Like seamless choreography, she preps the patient with expertise as I prepare the supplies and administer the local anesthetic and a heavy sedative. “Jen, monitor her breathing please.”

I turn and sanitize my hands then don gloves for the surgical procedure. I had already set the instruments next to Miriam when I prepared the supplies. After a deep breath, I nod at Jen and try to ignore the looming pressure from Henri.

Jen, as instructed, aseptically cleaned the area. With precision, I deftly use the scalpel and cut a ten-millimeter incision on Miriam’s left side behind the last rib on the edge of the internal abdominal oblique muscle. I hold and maintain the vent by rotating the blade. The foam escapes—it’s a good sign. “Jen, how’s her breathing?”

“It’s back to baseline. Steady and her pulse is strong.”

I clean the wound area and administer a shot of antibiotics.

“Henri, the sedatives should wear off soon. Keep an eye on her. Keep the wound clean and keep the flies away. Give her these antibiotics for three more days, starting tomorrow.” I hand him the bottle and the syringes and pause. “This is one of the worst cases of bloat that I have seen. She still might not make it. You need to prepare yourself.”

“Thanks, Doc, I owe ya one,” he says solemnly.

“I’ll add it to your tab," I chuckle before cleaning up my supplies and throwing the gown and gloves away. Jen agrees to stay with the goat until she wakes from the sedatives.

“Call me if something comes up and I’ll swing by tomorrow and check on her.” I get back in the truck and just sit for a minute. I love being a veterinarian and I am exceptional at it, but the pressure to keep extremely sick animals alive doesn’t get easier. I am a gifted surgeon, but I have to leave the rest in God’s hands. Once the adrenaline subsides, like always, inescapable exhaustion sets in.

I glance at my phone. Perfect, the coffee shop is open. I place my mobile order for a freshly brewed caramel macchiato. I wish I could remember the name of that drink I accidentally took in New York.

The buzzing of my phone snaps me back to reality. Somehow, I've already made it to the town square and parked in front of the coffee shop. I look at the number flashing on the caller ID—Lisa Tucker Realty.

“Hello, this is Zach.”

“Good morning, Zach. This is Trixie, Lisa’s assistant,” the young woman says. “Lisa asked me to send her apologies, but she has to cancel your appointment for this week. The seller backed out of the deal.”

“Oh, ok.” I hate to admit that I’m a little disappointed. I’ve had my eye on that property for a while.

“Would you like Lisa to keep searching for a new property for you?” Trixie asks.

“Yes, please. I’ll keep my eyes open too. I’ll talk to you soon."

“Hey, Doc!” Darleen, the barista, greets me.

“Hi, Miss Darleen. How are you doing this morning?” I ask and give her a rare genuine smile.

“Much better. I’ve had so many orders today with the festival preparations going on.”

“Oh, I didn’t even notice. It’s that time again already?”

“Yup! Are you going to enter the pumpkin carving contest again this year? You have to defend your title,” Darleen asks.

“Well, I guess I have to, right?!” I grab the closest coffee. “Thanks for the coffee, I’ll see you tomorrow!”

I get back in my truck and start driving off. I take a sip of my coffee. Mmmm, this is awesome. I look at the name. Oops. SARAH is written on the side. This tastes just like the cup I accidentally swiped in New Yor.

I am thoroughly enjoying this drink when I look over and see this gorgeous brunette woman with electric green eyes. Wait, is that her? I can’t help but smile at her. Surprisingly, she returns it. However, it looks like she instantly regrets it and scowls.

“Ok then,” I say aloud with raised eyebrows and head for the office.



“Hey,you’reMichelle’sniece,right?” I hear a shout to my left. I turn and see a plump young woman in her mid-twenties waving at me. I take a detour from my destination and stroll over to her.

“Hi, I’m Janelle,” she says. She has beautiful dewy skin and the most intriguing honey eyes. “I work part-time at your Aunt’s B&B. I recognize you from the pictures.”

“Nice to meet you. Looks like you’re pretty busy here,” I say.