“No, I’m divorced,” she said, and there was no sadness in her voice, but rather a steely conviction that surprised him. “I live in New York now and work with Lauren at the Meridian Hotel.”
Perfect.“Would you like to stay? Have a drink and catch up?” he asked. Clearly, a lot had changed in the past five years.
“I... umm.”
She hesitated, contemplating his invitation as she bit her bottom lip—another one of those quirks he loved. Waiting for her answer was one of those defining moments, because if Skye turned him down, then she’d well and truly moved on.
Finally, she smiled… and nodded. “Yeah, I’d like that.”
Relief surged through him. That she’d agreed to have a drink with him made Tripp hope that there was something still there between them, despiteeverythingin the past. Time would tell, and he was just happy to spend the next few hours in her presence.
“Well, I’m going to grab an Uber and head out so you two can reconnect.” Lauren gave Skye a hug. “I’ll see you in the office on Monday.”
Skye said goodbye, then glanced around the bar area. “The place is packed. Looks like all the seats are taken.” A couple had even slid into the chairs behind Skye where they’d been sitting.
Tripp glanced across the room, catching sight of Hudson, who was still at their table, watching his interaction with Skye. “I have a table in the back corner, where it’s quieter. My friend who I came here with is still sitting there.”
He automatically placed his hand at the small of Skye’s back to guide her in that direction. When he touched her, she tensed again, more subtly this time but it was obvious to him anyway. Then she immediately eased out a breath and her muscles relaxed, as if she’d recognized he was someone who wouldn’t hurt her.
He frowned at the thought. Her reaction disturbed him. Back when they’d dated, she’d been a touchy-feely kind of girl, uninhibited and outgoing, and she openly expressed physical affection. She’d accepted his touches just as easily.
Now, she seemed more cautious and guarded. Granted, it had been years since they’d seen one another, but something had subdued that carefree spirit of hers. And he didn’t like it one bit.
Hudson stood as they reached the table and pulled out a chair for Skye while smirking at Tripp. “Seems as though I was right, wasn’t I?” he said, obviously referring to his guess that Skye was no longer married.
“Seems like you have a knack for being right about a lot of things,” Tripp said in a wry tone.
Hudson grinned. “That’s because I’m older and wiser than you.”
“You’ll get no argument from me,old timer,” he shot back.
Skye, now looking amused at their easy-going ribbing, glanced back at Hudson. “What were you right about?”
“You being a stunningly beautiful woman,” his friend said without missing a beat, making Skye blush at his compliment before he met Tripp’s gaze. “Aren’t you going to introduce me to your guest?”
“Hudson, this is Skye,” Tripp said, as she settled into the vacant chair his friend had pulled out for her. “Skye, this is my business partner.”
That engaged her interest, and her eyes widened in curiosity. “What kind of business?”
So, she clearly hadn’t stalked his social media like he had hers. “We own a family practice together, along with another doctor, Brett,” Tripp explained. “I’m in pediatrics. Hudson specializes in internal medicine, and Brett is an obstetrician.”
“That’s impressive,” she replied, and extended her hand toward Hudson. “It’s nice to meet you.”
His friend took her hand, holding it in his for longer than was necessary, in Tripp’s opinion. “The pleasure is all mine,” Hudson said in that smooth, suave way of his.
Tripp rolled his eyes, doing his best to conceal his annoyance. Or was it pure possessiveness that was making him feel irritated with Hudson’s flirtations? “Don’t you need to be somewhere?” Tripp asked, doing his best not to grind his teeth and chip a molar.
“Not that I can recall,” Hudson drawled. He finally released Skye’s hand, the gleam in his eyes telling Tripp his friend had been goading him on purpose and enjoying Tripp’s territorial reaction.
For an aggravating moment Tripp thought Hudson was going to stay and be the annoying third wheel.
“But I can take a hint,” he said and Tripp relaxed. “I wouldn’t want to share Skye with anyone, either.” Hudson gave her a charming wink. “Have a good evening, and I hope I have the pleasure of seeing you again soon.”
Skye smiled at him. “Thank you.”
“Have a good weekend, Tripp,” Hudson said, then headed out for the evening.
When he was gone, Skye glanced at Tripp, her eyes sparkling with mirth. “He’s quite the charmer.”