“Look at me, baby girl,” he demanded in a harsh murmur, his own body taut above hers. “I want to feel it all, and I want to look into your beautiful blue eyes as you come for me.”

She forced her eyes back open, losing herself in the depths of his hot, vivid gaze just as the last tendrils of her release broke free. Deep and intense, she cried out as the orgasm quaked through her and pulsed around his shaft. Tripp grunted as he buried himself to the hilt one last time, coming right along with Skye as her body splintered into a thousand tiny pieces of heaven and sheer bliss permeated her entire being with equal parts pleasure, and an overwhelming amount of emotion.

When she came down from the high of her orgasm and the adrenaline rush receded, Tripp moved off her and pulled her into his arms—the one place where she knew she would always be safe and secure.

Chapter Fifteen

Monday morning, Skyewas in such a good mood, she hadn’t argued when Tripp had insisted on following her to work in his car. He felt secure letting her enter the parking garage herself, since the only way a driver could get inside was with a permit that had to be scanned in order to grant a person access.

Once at the office, Skye couldn’t stop smiling and over coffee that morning she’d spilled the beans to Lauren about her positive pregnancy test, her weekend with Tripp, and how they’d shared the announcement with his family. Skye had been too excited to keep the news to herself, and she grinned even now when she recalled the way Lauren had screamed in excitement when she’d told her about the baby.

She’d even filled Lauren in about Tripp’s suspicions about her ex being in New York. Skye still didn’t think it was likely. Sending her a sketched portrait in the mail was one thing, but actually making the long trip from Boston just to stalk her seemed absurd. What didn’t seem impossible was Jack finding out about Tripp and turning his anger on the new man in her life. Tripp was worried, and she’d be a fool to completely discount the possibility that Jack was so unhinged.


The work daypassed quickly and soon it was time to leave. Tripp had called earlier, and Skye assured him Lauren would walk her to her car after work. Skye also promised to send him a text message when she was on her way home, and that she’d meet him there.

They stepped out of the elevator and into the employee parking structure.

Lauren paused and Skye stopped beside her. “Pregnancy definitely looks good on you,” her friend said, not for the first time today. “This is the happiest I think I’ve ever seen you and I’m so excited for you.”

“I appreciate it.” Skye smiled. “That’s probably because itisthe happiest I’ve been in years,” she admitted.

After her divorce from Jack, she’d gotten to the point where she’d been content, but she never believed she’d feel this much joy again. Thanks to Tripp returning to her life, she could see a wholly different future than the one she’d been determined to live alone. One that included a family and a present father to their baby.

Lauren dug into her purse, retrieving her car keys while casting a curious look at Skye. “Do you think Tripp got any information yet about that car he said was following him?”

“I don’t know if he’s heard back from Zach yet but I plan to ask him about it tonight.”

Lauren gave her a cheeky grin. “At least in the meantime, you have a hot bodyguard staying at your apartment. Nothing to complain about there.”

Skye laughed. “True.” She pulled her cell phone out of her purse. “I promised to text him once I was in the car.”

“Let’s get you inside so you can go home and wait for your man.”

Skye startled at those words, realizing how true they were. Tripp was her man and she was ready to embrace everything that meant. Her heart skipped a beat. Last night she’d taken the first step, coming to him on her own so they could be together outside of making a baby. Now it was time for her to tell him she was ready for the full, happy life he offered her and their child.

They were three cars away from Lauren’s when a dark vehicle turned down their lane, heading in their direction. And it was only because Tripp had drilled the mention of ablack sedaninto her brain, that Skye took extra notice of the car with the tinted windows. A man man sat behind the wheel, wearing sunglasses, as he drove toward them.

Though she couldn’t see the face of the man or clearly identify him as Jack, unease twisted in Skye’s stomach. Intuition screamed at her to get back into the building. Even if she was being paranoid, she’d rather be safe than sorry.

“That car matches the one that’s been following Tripp,” Skye said, her tone urgent as she grabbed her friend’s hand and redirected them back toward the elevator. “We need get back to the hotel.”

Lauren didn’t argue or ask questions, just matched Skye’s quick strides. But the car continued closing the distance between them with increasing speed, outpacing any progress they made.

Skye’s heart raced. Dropping her friend’s hand, Skye unlocked her phone and hit Tripp’s name on the screen. She knew he couldn’t do anything to help her, but she needed to hear his voice, even if only as a recorded sound.

“Hey, baby girl.” His affectionate,realvoice surprised her and she almost burst into tears. “Are you on your way home?” he asked.

“I—” The approaching vehicle slammed on its brakes and screeched to a stop beside them. She sucked in a breath as a man emerged, no sunglasses on now, enabling her to see his entire face.

“It’s Jack!” She screamed and turned to run in her high heels. She only got a few steps before an arm wrapped around her waist and wrenched her back from behind, jarring her body and sending her cellphone flying out of her hand.

The device landed on the cement with a loudcrack, and Lauren stared on in helpless horror as Jack dragged her to the car, swung open the back door, and pushed her into the seat. He shoved her so hard and fast that her entire world seemed to spin. Before she could recover, he slammed the door shut and was back behind the wheel. She jerked backwards as he slammed on the pedal and the car peeled away from the scene.

Adrenaline rushing through her veins, Skye sat up and immediately tried to open the door, prepared to jump out no matter how fast the car was going. But her attempts were futile. Jack had engaged the child safety locks.

She thought about grabbing his hair and yanking hard, but they were surrounded by concrete columns. If he drove into a pole at this high rate of speed, the impact would undoubtedly injure her, and possibly the baby.