Chloe turned and walked farther down the hall, and Skye followed her into what appeared to be a guest bedroom. Chloe sat down on the bed, and Skye settled in beside her.
Chloe handed her the bottle of water she’d brought, and Skye accepted it gratefully. “Thank you,” she said, then took a drink, the cool water feeling so good on her parched throat.
The other woman tipped her head to the side, a knowing glimmer in her eyes. “That queasy pregnancy sickness is the worst, isn’t it?”
Surprise shot through Skye, and she almost choked on her next sip of water. Oh, Chloe was clever, blatantly calling her out, and while Skye knew she could deny being pregnant, the truth would come out soon enough, anyway. And she honestly didn’t want to lie to this woman who been nothing but open and friendly with her.
“Yes, it is,” she admitted quietly.
Chloe nodded in understanding. “Do you want to talk about it?”
There was no judgement or pressure in her voice. Just the offer to be a listening ear if Skye wanted one. “I’m not sure what to say.” As much as she liked Chloe, she wasn’t at the point where she felt comfortable sharing the details of the baby pact she’d made with Tripp. That was personal and private between the two of them.
“Does Tripp know?” Chloe asked curiously.
Skye smiled, remembering how excited he’d been to see those two lines on the pregnancy test. “Yes. We just weren’t going to say anything to the family until I had a chance to see a doctor. And I didn’t think today would be the right day to make that announcement, anyway, when it’s all about remembering Whitney.”
Chloe grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze. “I can assure you that nothing would make Audrey and Kurt happier than knowing they have another grandchild to look forward to. Today isn’t just about celebrating Whitney’s life. It’s about celebratingfamily, which you are now clearly a part of forever.”
Skye’s throat grew tight with emotion. Everything was so different with Tripp, his family so warm and accepting and genuine. Jack’s parents had been cold and distant, never truly embracing her as part of the family. She’d always felt like an outsider, like she wasn’t good enough for their son, but she’d also come to learn that his entire family was dysfunctional and their ambivalence had nothing to do with her.
“But I understand that you and Tripp need to decide when the time is right to make the announcement,” Chloe went on. “I only just met you, but just know that I’m happy for the both of you. I saw the way that Tripp looked at you the night of the charity auction, and I knew then that you were someone very special to him.”
Skye’s cheeks warmed at the compliment. “Thank you.”
“The one thing I know about the Daniels men is that when they fall, they fall hard. And from what I’ve seen between you two, Tripp is crazy about you.” She smiled and stood up, not ready to go any deeper with Skye, done with the conversation for now. “I’ll let everyone know that you’re fine and you’ll be out in a few minutes.”
Chloe turned to leave, and Skye quickly stopped her. “Chloe... will you send Tripp back here?” She’d taken what Chloe had to say to heart, and now she needed to talk to Tripp about letting his family in on their news.
The other woman grinned. “Sure thing. I know he’s worried about you, but I kind of asserted myself and told him to sit at the table while I checked on you, which he wasn’t happy about. I just thought you might need a female friend to talk to.”
“I did,” Skye said, smiling. “Thank you.”
Chloe left the bedroom, and a few minutes later Tripp walked in, his worried gaze focused on her face. Before he could speak, she did.
“I’m okay, really,” she said as he sat down beside her. “But Chloe knows that I’m pregnant and I think we should tell the rest of your family.”
He winced. “Because of what happened at the dinner table?”
She laughed lightly. “Yes, because jumping up and running to the bathroom to get sick was rude as hell, and I don’t want your mother to think I didn’t appreciate the meal she’d made.”
He chuckled, then turned more serious. “Is that the only reason? Because you don’t owe them any explanation for—”
“Iwantto tell them,” she said, taking his hand and intertwining his fingers with hers before exhaling a deep breath. “I know it’s still early in the pregnancy, but this kid is happening, and I’d really love for your family to share in our happiness.”
“They will love that, too,” he said, and pressed a chaste kiss against her temple.
Hand in hand, as a couple, they walked back into the dining room where everyone was mostly done with their meal. As soon as they entered, everyone went quiet and Audrey’s warm, concerned gaze went to Skye, but Tripp spoke before anyone else did.
“So, Skye and I have some news to share with the family,” he said, taking the lead, as if knowing how nervous Skye was, because this announcement was so momentous.
Everyone waited for him to continue, and the grin that lifted Tripp’s lips was filled with pride and legit excitement, leaving no doubt in Skye’s mind that she’d made the right choice to have a baby with Tripp. He wanted this child as much as she did, and he was going to be an exceptional father.
He slid an arm around her waist and pulled her close to his side, not bothering to hide how much he cared about her, which brought tears to her eyes at that blatant show of affection in front of his family. She wanted to blame the surge of emotion on pregnancy hormones, but it was getting increasingly difficult to deny the truth, that this man was everything she wanted and dreamed of, but never believed was possible.
“Skye is pregnant,” Tripp finally said after leaving the family hanging for too long. “We’re going to have a baby.”
“Oh, my God,” Audrey exclaimed, tears filling her eyes as she stood up and walked over to Tripp and Skye. Without hesitation, the other woman pulled her into a tight embrace. “I’m so thrilled to be a grandma again!”