Tripp scooted his chair out but didn’t stand. Instead, he beckoned to Skye. “Come here, baby girl,” he said softly, needing to hold her, to make her feel safe after that unpleasant trip down memory lane.

As if needing exactly what he was offering, she strode over and sat on his lap, snuggling against his chest and burrowing her face against his neck. He stroked his fingers through her hair and down her back, his protective instincts rising to the surface.

“I will never,ever,let anyone lay a hand on you like that again,” he said fiercely, meaning every word.

“I won’t let it ever happen again, either,” she responded just as vehemently.

Her resilience made him smile and he gently kissed her forehead. “That’s my girl.”

Skye had come out stronger, which wasn’t an easy feat considering what her prick of an ex had put her through. As awful as it had been to listen to her account of everything she’d endured, it gave Tripp invaluable insight as to why she was so wary and guarded. She’d clearly struggled to rebuild her confidence and self-worth, and trusting any man after that ordeal, and allowing herself to be that vulnerable again, would be difficult.

But tonight was a start.

Chapter Ten

The last thingSkye wanted to do during this weekend with Tripp was discuss her shitty marriage to Jack. But now that she had, she couldn’t deny that a part of her felt lighter, and freer. As though verbally releasing all those unpleasant memories had finally given her the ability to feel less vulnerable, and had crumbled some of those walls she’d built around her heart after leaving Jack.

Her parents and brothers had known things were bad with her ex—it was difficult to ignore the huge bruise and black eye he’d given her their last night together—but she’d never truly given them all the disturbing details. They’d already been worried about her, and she’d been embarrassed and felt so stupid that she’d allowed the mental and emotional abuse to go on for two long years.

After leaving Jack, therapy had definitely helped her understand that she wasn’t responsible for her ex-husband’s narcissistic personality or behavior, that she’d been manipulated by a master. But she’d even withheld some of the most awful, painful parts of her marriage from her therapist. Still, she’d managed to learn how to let go of that shame and humiliation.

But tonight with Tripp was different. She’d allowed anotherman, one she truly trusted, to hear about her foolish mistakes and greatest shame. She’d exposed the deepest, most personal pieces of herself, and while a part of her feared being judged for staying in a toxic relationship for so long, Tripp had offered only kindness, understanding, and support.

Being held in his arms so protectively, his big, strong hands gentle and soothing as they strummed up and down her spine, was everything. Until now, she’d forgotten what being cherished and adored even felt like. Tripp reminded her that there were good, honorable men still to be found, and he was one of them.

A slight breeze caressed her skin, and even though the heat lamps were still turned on, she shivered as the cool air made the silk of her chemise flutter against her body. All she wanted right now was Tripp’s warmth, both of them naked and generating their own special brand of heat.

She lifted her head from his shoulder and gave him a sultry smile. “Let’s go inside,” she said, beyond ready to forget about her ex and focus solely on the one man who’d promised to give her what her heart desired the most. A baby.

They stood up, and she clasped his hand in hers and led them back to the living room. Usually it was Tripp who was in charge when it came to sex, him who led the way and she followed, but tonight he let her set the pace, as if sensing that’s what she needed after baring her soul to him.

Tripp always made her feel sensual and desirable, and this evening was no different. Instead of taking him to the bedroom, she stopped by the sofa and turned to face him, and the lustful way he stared at her brought every one of those dirty, uninhibited impulses to life. All she wanted was to drive him a little crazy.

Kicking off her slippers, she stood on her tiptoes and pressed her lips to his. His hands settled on her hips, his grip strong, but she could feel him holding back and for now she’d let him hang on to his restraint. She deepened the kiss while unbuttoning his shirt, then shoved the material down his arms and off. As their tongues tangled sinuously, she unbuckled his belt, unzipped his pants, and worked his slacks and underwear over his hips until both fell to pool around his feet.

Once he’d toed off his shoes, removed his socks, and untangled himself from his clothes, she gave him a little push backwards, just enough to force him to sit down on the couch, completely, gloriously naked. His erect cock jutted up toward his stomach, making her mouth water for a taste as he encircled the thick shaft in his hand, giving it a slow, leisurely stroke while she watched.

She stepped closer, and with a lascivious grin curving his lips, he reached out with his free hand and skimmed the tips of his fingers up the inside of her thigh, his touch immediately causing her to shiver in anticipation.

But as much as she ached to feel those fingers sliding deep into her pussy, she playfully smacked his hand away. “I didn’t say you could touch,” she chastised him.

He arched a dark brow at her sassy tone. “Just checking to see if you’re naked under there.”

She slowly edged up the hem of the chemise to give him a teasing glimpse, framing her bare pussy in the expensive, hand embroidered lace for him to see. He licked his lips and groaned deep in his throat.

“Naked and ready,” she confirmed huskily.

“C’mere,” he ordered, his voice a low, dominant growl that made her sex clench with the instinctive need to obey.

Not this time, though. Instead, she shook her head, causing her unbound hair to cascade along her shoulders. “Not yet.”

She settled on her knees in front of his spread legs, pushing his hand away from his cock so she could take over. She wrapped her fingers tight around his length, and he watched with hooded eyes as she leaned forward and took him into the wet heat of her mouth.

She licked and sucked his cock, slow and leisurely at first, reacquainting herself with the size and shape of him. Her tongue swirled over the tip, her teeth lightly scraped along the hard column of flesh, and she purred in delight when he slid his hands into her hair and gripped the strands, holding her head where he wanted as he fucked her mouth a little harder, a lot deeper. The head of his shaft filled her throat again, and again, until she was lost in the taste and feel of him.

His entire body shuddered as he gave her hair a tug of warning. “Fuck,” he groaned, the low, needy sound sending a thrill through her. “You need to stop before it’s too late.”

She swallowed the salty, sticky fluid seeping from the tip of his cock, the flavor on her tongue completely intoxicating her. As much as Skye wanted to finish him off like this, having him release down her throat defeated the goal of why they were together for the weekend. She wanted every drop of his come deep inside her body.