Grabbing the handle of her bag, he rolled it back toward her and slipped his hand into hers, making her instantly feel safe and secure.

“Come on, let’s get out of here,” he said, and this time she didn’t argue.

Chapter Nine

Holding Skye’s handprotectively in his and keeping her close to his side, they walked out of the apartment building, and he led the way to his parked car.

Tripp had no doubt she wasn’t fuckingfine. Far from it, and the fact that her prick of an ex had caused such a visceral reaction to a drawing that he’d mailed to her—a year after their divorce had been finalized—gave Tripp even more insight into just how vindictive and conniving the asshole was.

Jack clearly knew what he was doing, manipulating Skye and her emotions from afar, but the question was,why now? The timing of that letter didn’t sit right with Tripp. Though he knew her ex lived in Boston, the fact that he’d chosennowto start sending her a random sketch—just to tell her he knew where she lived—was suspicious as hell.

There was no reason for her ex to contact her, except to terrorize her and remind her of his presence. But as intimidating as Skye found the picture, and as much as Tripp wanted to suggest she file an out-of-state order of protection against Jack, a simple sketch in an envelope without a name or return address wasn’t enough proof. Jack would have to step up his game in order for him to pose an imminent danger against Skye.

Once they were in Tripp’s vehicle, heading out of Brooklyn on the way to the city, Tripp glanced over at Skye, who hadn’t said a word since leaving her place. Her hands were folded in her lap, and she was staring straight ahead, her complexion still pale. Her fear was still tangible, and fury vibrated through Tripp, as did violent thoughts of tearing Jack apart limb by limb, so he could never hurt Skye again.

Tripp was done postponing any conversation about her ex because Skye didn’t want to talk about Jack, or her past with him. This unsettling incident changedeverything. If Tripp was going to be a part of her life, then he had to know what kind of threat, if any, this asshole presented.

But he needed time to calm the fuck down and forced himself to stifle the urge to barrage her with questions and demand answers that would overwhelm her right now, as well as cause her to withdraw completely and shut him out. He had to proceed with caution and approach the conversation when they both weren’t still in the heat of the moment. It was important that he created a safe space for her to open up to him, and once they reached their destination, he intended to do just that.

As he maneuvered through the one way streets of Manhattan, he reached across the console and took one of Skye’s hands in his to get her attention. She finally glanced at him, making him desperate to erase that haunted look in her eyes, even for a little while.

“So, I know you work at The Meridian, but have you ever stayed there as a guest?” he asked her.

She shook her head and smiled, seemingly relieved to have something more pleasant to focus on. “Not only have I never had a reason to stay at The Meridian, but the hotel is also a bit bougie for my budget.”

“Then you’re in for a treat,” he said, bringing the back of her hand up to his lips for a kiss while they waited at a red stoplight. “We’re staying there for the weekend in one of their penthouse suites.”

Her jaw dropped, clearly aware of how much those luxurious, spacious rooms went for a night at a five star hotel like The Meridian. “That’s insane, and very unnecessary.”

Tripp disagreed. All he wanted to do was spoil and pamper her for the rest of her life, but for now, a weekend would have to do. “You won me at the bachelor auction. Aren’t I supposed to show you a good time?”

“I bought you onyourdime,” she reminded him with a laugh.

“Yeah, well, the last thing I want getting out is that I was a cheap date,” he teased, pleased to see a small sparkle of happiness back in her eyes. “I figure The Meridian has all the amenities we could want or need. And if we feel like going out at any point, which I’m warning you won’t be often because you’re going to be naked for the most part,” he added with a lascivious grin, “then we’re in a centralized location with great restaurants nearby, and other things we can do.”

Finally reaching the hotel, he pulled up to the drop off area. They got out of the car, and while Skye waited for him by the curb, he gave the bellman their room number and a generous tip to deliver their bags, then retrieved his ticket from the valet attendant before heading inside with Skye.

With his hand low on her back, he guided her past the front desk and through the lobby toward the elevators.

“Don’t you need to check in first?” she asked curiously.

He shook his head and pressed the UP button. “I did that earlier, before I picked you up. We’re all set.”

They rode the elevator all the way to the top floor, found their suite, and walked inside the marbled entryway, where their suitcases had already been delivered. Her eyes went wide as she took in the luxurious living area and the French doors that opened to a balcony that overlooked New York City. With it being almost four o’clock in the afternoon, and the beginning of October before time changed, the clear, unobstructed autumn view was quite spectacular.

She strolled deeper into the room, taking everything in, and he gently grabbed her arm and stopped her before she could get very far.

“Hang on,” he said, turning her to face him before sliding an arm around her waist and bringing her body flush to his. “There’s something I need to do first to officially start our weekend together.”

She remained perfectly pliant against him, which he loved, and placed her hands on his chest while arching a playful brow. “And what’s that?”

He threaded his fingers through her silky hair and used the strands to tip her face up to his and hold her there. “This,” he murmured, and settled his mouth on hers.

The kiss started slow and sweet but didn’t stay that way for long. As soon as his tongue skimmed along her bottom lip, she immediately opened for him, inviting him deeper, and he didn’t hesitate to oblige. She was so willing and eager, whimpering softly against his lips as her need escalated. The hands on his chest gripped his shirt, then started fumbling with the buttons to start undressing him.

As hard as his dick already was, and as much as Tripp wanted to take her to bed and fuck her senseless until she was completely spent and her earlier upset forgotten, he wasn’t ready to jump right into sex with her when they had the entire weekend together. First things first, and his top priority was taking care of Skye mentally and emotionally before focusing on giving her the baby theybothwanted so much.

Lifting his mouth from hers, he gently grabbed her wrists, stopping her frantic efforts before she ripped the buttons right off his shirt. “Not so fast, Ms. Abbott,” he drawled huskily.