She laughed in an attempt to ignore the way her nipples tightened and heat pooled low in her belly. An instantaneous response when it came to this man. “That’s what you get for giving me free rein with your money,” she teased, then bit her bottom lip, truly feeling contrite. “I’m really sorry about that astronomical amount.”
He shrugged and shoved his hands into the front pockets of his tuxedo slacks. “You’re worth it. And it’s all for charity and it’s going to a good cause so I really can’t complain.”
He was so casual about the money, which told her that finances were not an issue for Tripp, as they were for her. When she divorced Jack, in order to expedite the process she’d asked for nothing of monetary value, which hadn’t helped to speed things up at all since her ex dragged out the proceedings for as long as possible. Still, in the end she’d been awarded a small settlement, which had been just enough for her to start out fresh and new and have a bit saved away for the insemination process. Now, she was grateful that she could put that money toward other things for the baby.
Tripp tipped his head to the side as he regarded her curiously. “So, now that we’re definitely doing this baby thing, what changed your mind about us having a child together?”
“You,” she said simply. “Because I know the kind of supportive, encouraging father you’ll be, especially after listening to you talk about your young patients and how compassionate and capable you are with them. And I think it’s important that a child has their biological father in their lives. There’s also the fact that I know we can be friends as well as co-parents. And most importantly... I trust you and the man you are.”
“Yeah, trust is important,” he murmured, and gently brushed a stray strand of hair away from her cheek.
She shivered at his touch, wanting more, and had to remind herself that this wasn’t a courtship between them, but a mutual agreement to share a child. No emotional or romantic entanglements involved. Hopefully. And that meant she had to be the one to establish those boundaries as soon as possible before she did something incredibly stupid... like fall in love with him all over again.
She exhaled a breath. “We need to set rules about how this arrangement between us is going to play out.”
He frowned, not looking thrilled at her request or mention of rules. “Such as?”
Her list was... complicated, and it wasn’t a conversation she wanted to have with other people around. “I don’t think tonight is the time or place to discuss those terms, so why don’t we both think about what we really want and expect out of this agreement, and how we want to handle the sex part, as well.”
A slow, wicked grin lifted his sensual lips and his eyes darkened. “I don’t think either one of us has an issue with the sex part of this agreement. We both know what we’re doing and that we’re good together. Sex will be the fun, very enjoyable part of this arrangement.”
She felt her cheeks warm, which was ridiculous considering all the dirty things this man had done to her body the week before. “There’s more to it than just sex,” she said, trying to keep this as business-like as possible, which was important to keep those boundaries established. “I mean, yes, we’ll be having sex. It’s thewhenwe’ll be having sex, but I’ll explain all that later. How about we discuss the specifics over dinner at my place tomorrow night, around six?”
“Sure,” he said, and that devilish smile remained.
Despite his easy going response and seemingly laid back attitude, she caught the glimmer of a challenge in his eyes, and she had to admit that confidence caused a bit of concern. She knew from experience how persuasive and charming Tripp could be, how when he set his sights on something or someone—namely her—that her own willpower had a way of crumbling beneath his determination and fortitude.
Yes, sex and making a baby would be the easy part of this arrangement, but resisting Tripp and his persuasive tactics would require far more restraint. Already, based on their one night together and a week of getting reacquainted over texts, she could feel an emotional pull toward him, which made those boundaries and rules that she planned to establish between them all the more important. She intended to make it clear that while she had no issues giving him free rein with her body during the process, her heart was off limits.
From inside the ballroom, she could hear the bachelor auction wrapping up, which made her wonder what had happened with Lauren. After promising to text Tripp her address for dinner the next evening, she headed back inside the ballroom in search of her friend.
The auction was over, the crowd of women around the stage dispersing, since there were no other men left to bid on. Catching sight of Lauren, Skye waved her down.
“Hey, how is your grandfather?” Skye asked, unable to make sense of the range of emotions reflecting on Lauren’s face. But at least she didn’t detect any panic over her family situation, which relieved Skye.
“He’s okay,” she said, her brows creased with normal concern. “He had what’s known has a transient ischemic attack. They ran blood tests and scans and there is no permanent damage, thank God. He’s at home resting and he’ll have to see his doctor on Monday, but my mother assured me he’s going to be fine, and I don’t need to rush home when I’ll be there for my sister’s wedding next month.”
“Good. Did you make it back to the stage in time to bid on a bachelor?”
Lauren grimaced, shaking her head and finishing with a groan. “Yes, and I ended up with Mr. Grumpy Pants, and not Neil Pierson the dependable accountant I was expecting.” She met Skye’s gaze, dread swirling in the depths of her eyes. “By the time I got back to the ballroom he was the only one left and I just panicked and didn’t let that scowl deter me from bidding on him. Not that I had much competition,” she muttered.
Skye swallowed back a laugh since Lauren sounded so miserable. “What happened to Neil? Did the auctioneer say?”
“Apparently he got sick with the flu, so this Chase guy was his last minute replacement. Billie must have been desperate to find someone, because he did not look happy to be up on that stage. But at least I got him dirt cheap.”
“Well, that’s a plus, at least,” Skye said with a smile, trying to be positive.
Lauren sighed. “I’m on my way out to the greeting area to meet him. Keep your fingers crossed that I can persuade him to accompany me to my sister’s wedding next month for our weekend together.”
“You’ve got this.” In a show of support, Skye held up both hands, fingers crossed for double the luck. “Go dazzle him with your beauty and charm, and I’ll handle checking in with the Meridian service staff to make sure everything is still running smoothly.”
Her friend straightened her shoulders and smiled. “He doesn’t look like the type to be bowled over by beauty and charm, but I’ll certainly try my best.”
Chapter Seven
Tripp arrived atSkye’s apartment in Brooklyn the following evening as scheduled, still unsure what “rules” she was about to enforce in regard to their baby making arrangement. But he was prepared to accept whatever formalities she thought necessary to make this feel like a safe venture for her.
He already knew he wasn’t going to be thrilled with her restrictions and stipulations, but he suspected her reasons for establishing boundaries had everything to do with protecting her emotions. And if that’s what she needed to feel comfortable with him and the situation, then for now he’d abide by those rules.