That said, she was well aware that choosing Tripp would mean emotional entanglements she wasn’t ready for. She picked up a pen and tapped it on the desk, pondering the best way to deal with her own anxieties over the arrangement when the thought came to her. The only way she could avoid emotional complications was to insist on a few stipulations. One that laid out strict rules, both about the baby making process and the joint custody terms that made them both comfortable before they dove in.

Now that she had an answer to give him, it wasn’t something she wanted to discuss over a text. She wouldn’t see him until the charity event on Saturday, which gave her time to come up with the parameters she needed before going into their new venture together.

Besides, she needed to get used to the changes that were in her future. She’d wait until after the event and give him her answer then.

Chapter Six

Finding an opportunityto get Skye alone at the charity event was not an easy feat for Tripp. As one of the Meridian’s event planners, along with Lauren, she was constantly moving around the room to make sure everything was running smoothly. He had attempted to talk to her a few times, but when it became clear that her mind was strictly on business, or she was being pulled in two different directions, he stopped trying because he respected that this was part of her job and he didn’t want to interrupt or distract her.

So, he killed time visiting with friends during the reception hour, then eating dinner with Drew, Beck, and Chloe—all while keeping an eye on Skye, which was more a treat than a chore considering how stunning she looked in a silky, dark purple dress that skimmed all those sexy curves he’d enjoyed the previous weekend. She’d worn her hair down in soft waves, and he couldn’t stop thinking about how those strands felt tangled around his fingers while he’d moved inside her. It had been a week since he’d last seen or touched her, and he was dying to get his hands on her again.

Hopefully, she’d give him that opportunity.

While dessert was served, Tripp continued to watch Skye and waited for an opening to approach her. Meanwhile, he absently listened to Drew and Beck discuss a real estate venture Beck was considering. Usually he joined in on the conversation, but he couldn’t do thatandstill keep Skye in his line of sight.

He ate a bite of his chocolate torte and caught his sister-in-law looking at him. Judging by the slight arch to Chloe’s brow and the quirk to her lips, she must have seen him staring at Skye, but much to his relief she didn’t say anything in front of his brothers. The last thing he wanted to do was answer their nosey questions.

But time was running out to talk to Skye and the bachelor auction was due to start shortly. If he didn’t find a moment to speak to her alone, he was going to end up with a date he didn’t want.

Finally, he saw her go to the bar, and the bartender gave her what looked like a glass of water. She stood off to the side, sipping on the drink, and Tripp took that as his cue to finally speak to her.

Since his brothers were engrossed in their conversation, he stood up, and neither sibling even noticed. He didn’t bother telling them where he was going, but he was certain that Chloe’s gaze would follow him, if only out of pure curiosity.

He quickly made his way over to Skye, relieved that something else hadn’t yet pulled her in another direction, though time was limited since it was announced that the auction would be starting soon. Skye’s eyes lit up when she saw him, and a genuine smile touched her lips as he approached.

It took monumental effort to keep from taking her in his arms and kissing her, but he somehow managed to stifle the impulse. “Are you still working?” he asked instead.

She shook her head. “Actually, I’ve got a bit of a break until after the bachelor auction is finished and things wind down.” She finished off the last of her water and placed her glass on a passing tray, her eyes taking him in. “You look very handsome in your tux, by the way. I’m sure you’re going to raise quite a bit of money for charity tonight and make some lucky woman very happy.”

He groaned, dreading the whole process when the only woman he wanted happy was her. Even though Skye was keeping their conversation light and teasing about another woman winning him, there was just enough reservation in her eyes to indicate that she was envious of the possibility, which worked to Tripp’s advantage.

“I need you to do me a huge favor,” he said, getting down to the reason he’d sought her out before the auction actually started and he lost the opportunity to convince her to bid on him.

“Okay,” she said warily, clearly not knowing what to expect.

He grabbed her hands, holding them in his and making sure he had her full attention. “I want you to bid on me and win, no matter how much it costs.”

Her eyes widened in surprise. “Tripp, I can’t do that. I don’t have that kind of money to spend.”

“I do,” he insisted, more than prepared to shell out any amount as a donation. “The last thing I want is to spend an entire weekend with any other woman, so you’d be doing me a real solid.”

She continued to stare at him, her shock evident, but eventually a playful sparkle glimmered in her eyes. “Does that meanIget to spend the weekend with you?”

The fact that she was more agreeable than he’d anticipated surprised him, but also gave him hope. “Do youwantto spend the weekend with me?”

She bit her bottom lip nervously and nodded. “I was thinking we could use the time together to make a baby.”

It was his turn to gape in shock as she delivered her decision, seemingly accepting his offer. “You’re serious?” he asked, just to confirm that he hadn’t misunderstood her.

“Yes, I’m very serious,” she said with a soft laugh, looking so earnest, no doubts or uncertainties in her eyes or her expression. “I want you to be my baby daddy.”

Elation surged through him. If they’d been anywhere but in a room full of people, he would have wrapped her up in his arms and spun her around to express his excitement. He had so many other questions to ask, but another announcement came over the speakers for the bachelors to head to the stage, leaving him no choice but to leave her for now.

But it didn’t matter, because Skye was going to have his baby,their baby, and it was the first step in winning her back for good.


Skye accompanied Laurenas the two of them headed toward the stage for the bachelor auction. Initially, she’d intended to give her friend moral support while Lauren bid on one of the men to pose as her fake boyfriend at her sister’s upcoming wedding, but now Skye had her own agenda, as well.