The sound ofSkye screaming Jack’s name, then the line going dead, made Tripp’s blood run cold and terror grip his heart. He’d just left the office, intending to head toward the address Zach had given him that matched the information on the black sedan’s registration to confront Doug Hammond.
Now he was breaking all speed limits to get there as fast as he could because that was the most logical place where Jack would take Skye. No doubt her ex believed no one would make the connection between Doug Hammond and Jack Tremont. And Tripp wouldn’t have, if Jack hadn’t cut him off the previous Friday, giving him time to snap a picture of the car’s license plate.
The man’s arrogance was his own undoing, but it also gave Tripp the ability to save Skye. He refused to think of any other alternative. As he raced toward the address, his stomach in fucking knots and trying not to imagine the worst, he called 911 and reported a kidnapping, and gave them the address where he believed Skye had been taken. At least he hoped and prayed that’s where she’d be.
He arrived at the house in a nice residential area in record time. Before his car had even come to a complete stop he shoved it into park and leapt from the vehicle, leaving it running as he bolted toward the front door, which was locked. As much as he wanted to pummel his fist on the door, he didn’t knock, not wanting to alert Jack that anyone was there to rescue Skye. Assuming they were inside.
Instead, Tripp looked through the clear glass side window next to the door and peered inside. The living room appeared normal. Beyond that was the kitchen and that’s where he saw movement. A man fell to the floor, then Skye, racing toward the front door, sheer terror on her face.
Just as he was about to smash in the side window, he heard the locks on the other side unlatching, then the door flew open, and Skye slammed into him in her quest to escape the monster she’d somehow managed to take down.
She screamed, a shrill sound escaping from her throat, and he immediately wrapped his arms around her, hoping to calm her. She struggled against his hold, her fear and confusion palpable as she tried to fight him off.
“Skye, it’s me and you’re okay,” Tripp assured her, feeling her trembling in his arms. “You’re okay, baby.”
Hearing his voice, she finally realized who held her, that she was finally safe, and her body went limp and huge sobs wracked her body.
As much as he wanted to keep holding her close, he had no idea what had happened with Jack. Tripp could still see him on the kitchen floor, but he’d propped himself up against a cabinet—seemingly immobile, but still a threat, until Tripp knew otherwise. And until the cops arrived, he intended to make sure the son of a bitch didn’t find a way to escape.
He gently released Skye, pulling her away from him, seeing the tears streaking her face and the fright still lingering in her eyes. There were splotches of blood on her cheek, arm, and dress, and his gut clenched tight. Tripp was fucking furious at the man who’d dared to kidnap his woman.
“Did he hurt you?” he asked Skye, needing to make certain she was physically okay, because if Jack had harmed her in any way, he was going to pay a very steep price.
She shook her head. “He didn’t get the chance.” Then, she buried her face in her hands. “Oh, my God, I stabbed him with a knife and I think I killed him!”
Tripp fucking wished that were true. She might have incapacitated the man, but unfortunately, he was still alive from what he could see.
“Everything is going to be okay,” Tripp promised, trying to keep his composure for her sake. “But I need you to go and wait for me in the car. Lock yourself inside until the police get here.”
Her hands clutched his arms, her frantic eyes on his face. “What about you?”
His jaw clenched tight. “I have some unfinished business to attend to.”
He shook his head and Skye’s shoulders slumped as she obviously realized he wasn’t going to give in. He watched, waiting until she made it to his car and was safely inside, then strode into the house.
Tripp headed straight for the kitchen. Sirens sounded close by, telling Tripp he didn’t have much time alone left with this prick to make his point. Up close, he could see how pathetic the other man looked, whimpering like a baby as he pressed a hand to his dick and blood poured from the wound near his neck. His other arm hung limply, making Tripp wonder if Skye had hit a nerve when she’d stabbed him. His chest swelled with pride at her ability to protect and defend herself.That’s my girl.
Jack had the audacity to glare at Tripp, a sneer curling his lips, even as he slumped back to the floor.
Feeling vindictive and a bit savage, Tripp stepped on the top of the knife still sticking out of Jack’s flesh, driving the blade even further into skin, muscle, and tendons. With no strength to stop the attack, Jack screamed like a girl, giving Tripp the immense pleasure and satisfaction he needed.
He hunched down to Jack’s level, wanting the other man to look him in the eyes. “It’s a fucking pity Skye missed your main artery, you piece of shit.”
“Fuck you,” Jack spat out weakly.
Tripp gave him a cruel smile. “No,you’rethe one who’s fucked. And just know this. If you ever touch Skye again, or dare to even look at her, or contact her in any way, I will fucking kill you myself. I’m a doctor and trust me, I can make your death slow and excruciatingly painful. If you ever get out of prison, you sick fuck.”
He heard cars screeching to a stop outside, indicating law enforcement had arrived, and less than a minute later a dozen police officers swarmed the home and took Jack into custody. Because of his injuries, EMTs were called and arrived to transport Jack to the hospital, but promised he’d remain cuffed, with no way to escape.
At Tripp’s insistence, they checked Skye over, wiping the blood off her face the best they could. Thank God she had no external wounds and her vitals were all within normal range. Given the shock and events she’d endured, Tripp was concerned about her pregnancy but she insisted she felt fine and just wanted to go home. The paramedics agreed.
After giving her statement to a law enforcement officer, she left with Tripp. Though she was fine physically, her emotional trauma would take longer to heal. But one thing was for certain. He would be there for her, every step of the way.
Before taking her back to his apartment, Tripp swung by Skye’s place so she could pack a bag with her things. She didn’t argue when he insisted she stay with him, and he assumed it might be because she was still in shock. But her reasons didn’t matter to him. Skye and their child’s safety did.
By the time they arrived at his place, she had dark circles under her eyes and her face was pale and drawn. She was exhausted and all he wanted to do was take care of her. To let her know that she wasn’t alone and she could depend on him, without fear of losing the independence he knew was important to her.