“Yes, and I’m beyond the thinking stage.” Raven came by with their appetizers and Skye waited for the other woman to deliver the plates, then be on her way again before continuing. “I’ve already looked into it, and have even seen a reproductive endocrinologist in the city.”
Her desire to have a child wasn’t a secret. Her parents, Spencer, and even her other brother, Reese, knew and supported her decision to be a single mother, and understood why she’d decided to do this on her own. She wasn’t in the market to get remarried anytime soon, and, well, her biological clock was ticking.
Her family just wasn’t aware that she wasactivelytrying to select a donor, and she didn’t plan on telling them until she’d been inseminated and knew she’d actually conceived. The last thing she wanted was the stress of her mother constantly asking if she was pregnant yet. Since Reese and Spencer were still single and enjoying the bachelor life, their mother was anxious for Skye to provide that first grandchild her parents wanted so badly.
“Wow.” Lauren popped a fry into her mouth, then tipped her head curiously. “So, how does the whole sperm selection thing work?”
“Well, everything is anonymous in terms of the donor’s identity,” Skye said, sharing what she’d already learned as she ate bites of her chicken. “I’ve been looking through profiles online, and they all include health history and genetic testing and screening. Then there’s the person’s physical attributes such as hair and eye color and height, and their heritage, educational background, and personality type. A lot of donors provide a baby picture of them at about a year old, to give you a general idea of what your child could potentially look like.”
Lauren’s eyes were filled with wonder. “It’s amazing that women these days can hand pick their very own baby daddy. Are you looking for any particular features?”
Skye shrugged. “Not as much as I want to make sure the baby is healthy.”
Okay, that wasn’t completely true. Of course she wanted a healthy infant, but when she closed her eyes and imagined her child, she saw dark brown hair and green eyes. She envisioned a little boy who reminded her of Tripp Daniels, the one guy in her past that she’d never been able to forget... even if he’d shattered a piece of her heart with his inability to be more than friends with benefits. He’d ended things between them because he’d been far more focused on his schooling and career as a pediatric surgeon and had easily, she thought, walked away from what the two of them could have been.
Despite the fact that the relationship was long over, he’d been in her thoughts often lately, especially during this sperm donor selection process because of the silly promise he’d made her years ago. When she’d told him that she’d wanted three kids by the time she was thirty, he’d given her his patented, charming grin and told her that if she was single and childless by that age, he’d be happy to give her a baby.
Yes, he’d been teasing her, but his promise lingered, as did memories of her time with Tripp—which had beenso gooduntil she’d made the mistake of asking for a commitment, when he’d made it clear from the start that he hadn’t been looking for anything serious. But she’d gotten to a point where she wanted and needed more from their relationship and while she’d fallen in love with him, he clearly hadn’t been in the same headspace.
He’d told her he was too focused on his pediatric surgical residency and still had a few more years to go to get certified, which meant a lot of long days and nights ahead and sacrificing a personal life. Then he’d ended things, telling her he wasn’t anywhere near ready to settle down. So, they’d gone their separate ways, and a few months after breaking up with her Skye had met Jack and her own life had changed, and not for the better.
Though she’d been tempted to search her new social media account just to see where his own life had taken Tripp, she’d refrained. That ship had sailed, and she wasn’t the same gregarious woman she’d been back then. Life had changed her and she had no idea if he’d even like the cautious, more guarded woman she’d become.
Realizing she’d gotten lost in her thoughts, she glanced back at Lauren, who’d finished her appetizers and was flipping through the bachelor auction brochure and reading the profiles. Interestingly enough, she’d even earmarked a few pages.
“So, what made you grab that bachelor auction brochure,” Skye asked, pushing her own half-eaten plate of food to the side. “Curiosity, or something more?”
Lauren met her gaze and grimaced. “Something more, I’m afraid.”
That piqued Skye’s interest, and wanting a distraction from the memories of the past, she grinned at her friend. “Oh, do tell.”
Lauren blew out a breath, a pained look in her eyes. “Well, my sister’s wedding is coming up and she’s marrying my ex, so I was thinking of taking a plus one to the event so I wouldn’t be dateless and look pathetic. Except I don’t have a plus one in my life, so... bidding on a bachelor for a weekend might be the solution to my problem.”
Skye shook her head, trying to process the first part of what Lauren had just said. “Wait, I’m still hung up on the fact that your sister is marrying yourex.”
Lauren laughed, but there was no real humor in the sound. “It’s awkward, for sure, but... I’m fine, really.”
Skye heard the reluctance in her friend’s voice and didn’t press for more details. She wasn’t one to push or pry. Not when she had her own secrets she preferred to keep to herself.
“I have a week to decide if bidding on a stranger is the way to go,” Lauren said, tucking the brochure back into her purse before smiling at Skye. “But at least I know I have options.”
Skye nodded in understanding.
They decided to order one more drink and spent the next hour chatting about inconsequential things, like work and the upcoming charity event. They laughed about their favorite comedic show, dished about Taylor Swift’s newest love interest, and shared their love for steamy romance novels, along with their favorite authors.
With their Cosmos finished and the bar area getting more crowded, they settled their tabs and prepared to leave, but before Skye slid off her chair, Lauren placed her hand on Skye’s arm, stopping her.
“Hey, since it’s a Saturday night, want to hit up Club Ten29?” Lauren asked.
Skye had heard of the trendy NYC nightclub, though she’d never been there. Dance clubs were not her thing, with the loud, vibrating music and crush of people. And the thought of getting hit on by strange men, and fending off their advances, was enough to make her shudder.
She smiled, hoping she didn’t disappoint Lauren too much. “I think I’m just going to go home and read a book and relax.”
Lauren thought for a moment, then nodded. “Actually, that doesn’t sound like such a bad idea. I just didn’t want you to think I was a boring date.”
Skye laughed. “Trust me,I’mthe boring one.”
She grabbed her purse from beneath the bar and stood up, then turned to head toward the exit—too abruptly, she realized, as she bumped into a hard, broad chest. She stumbled back on her heels, and stiffened as two big hands gripped her arms and kept her from falling on her ass.