“I am,” he said, proud of the thriving practice he operated with Brett and Hudson that afforded him many luxuries. “But I also have a brother who is in high end real estate and he owns this building, which makes things much more affordable.”
Her mouth literally dropped open in shock. “Wow. That’s impressive.” She regained her composure and picked up a piece of bacon. “Which brother would that be? You have two, right?”
He nodded. “Yes, and it’s Beck, the youngest.”
“That would be Chloe Kingston’s husband,” she said almost absently, then gave him an impish grin. “I’m still trying to keep all the Kingstons and Dares straight in my head. There’s so many different people that intersect.”
He laughed in agreement. “It can definitely get overwhelming.”
“And your other brother?” she asked curiously, stabbing a slice of cantaloupe with her fork. “What does he do?”
“Drew is a lawyer. Mergers and acquisitions,” he explained, realizing that during their previous six months together in Boston, he hadn’t shared much about his family, just the basics since they all lived in a different state. “He’s the one taking part in the bachelor auction next weekend, too.”
For the first time since agreeing to Chloe’s request to put himself on the fundraiser block, Tripp experienced a real stab of regret. The last thing he wanted to do was spend time with any woman other than Skye, but he’d made the commitment and he’d follow through. Besides, he told himself that just because someone bid on him for a weekend didn’t mean it came with expectations.
But the thought of dating anyone else, even for the sake of charity, sat in his stomach like lead.
“And your parents?” she asked, continuing the stream of casual conversation before taking a drink of her orange juice. “Do they live in the area?”
He finished eating his forkful of eggs before replying. “Yes. They’re retired and live in Nassau County.”
She smiled at him. “They haven’t relocated to Florida, or a warmer climate for retirement?”
He laughed and shook his head. “No. I don’t think they’ll ever move from the house they’re living in.”
She tipped her head to the side curiously. “Why not?”
“Remember me telling you about my twin, Whitney?” Mentioning his sister to Skye five years prior had been brief, too, mainly because losing his sibling had been such a deeply personal thing and he’d buried the grief and pain for a very long time.
“Yes,” she said softly, her expression filled with compassion. “That she passed away of leukemia when you were sixteen.”
The sorrow was definitely still there, now dulled by time. “Well, we all grew up in that house and every year since she passed, I’ve planted a rose bush in the back yard on the date of her passing. This year will be the twentieth one I’ll plant for her. Next month, to be exact.”
“Oh, wow, they must look beautiful when they all blossom,” she said in awe. “What an amazing thing to do to honor your sister’s memory. Now I understand why your parents wouldn’t want to move. Something like that would be so hard to leave behind.”
“My parents are happy there,” he said, setting his fork down on his empty plate. “And now that Beck and Chloe have given them a grandchild, they’re not going anywhere. They adore the baby. Chloe and Beck named her Whitney, after my sister.”
“I love that,” she replied, before finishing off her orange juice. “Thank you for breakfast, by the way.”
“The least I can do is feed you,” he teased, and wanting his time with her to last even longer, he quickly said, “Want to hang out today? I was supposed to meet my brother at the gym in about an hour, but I can cancel.”
“No, don’t do that. I really need to go,” she replied, toying with the handle of her coffee mug and glancing away in a manner that felt as though she was already trying to put distance between them when he wanted the opposite. “It’s Sunday and I have things I need to do today before the work week starts. And this week is going to be extremely busy leading up to the Future Fast Track charity event at the Meridian next weekend.”
The fact that she wouldn’t meet his gaze was a disconnect between them he didn’t like at all. She’d let her guard down last night just enough to enjoy sex with him, but now, those walls seemed to be rising again. He wanted nothing more than to call her out on her retreating back to the reserved woman he’d first bumped into last night, but he refrained.
Tripp already knew being with Skye wasn’t a short term thing for him. So, he had to look at the long game, be patient, and give her time to work through whatever shit her ex had put her through. Only then would she trust him with more than just her body. Ultimately, he wanted her heart, and he was willing to do whatever it took to win her, because he already knew she was worth the wait and the effort.
“Okay,” he said, standing and grabbing their plates and utensils. “Why don’t you get changed and I’ll clean up the kitchen.”
She gave him a faint smile, but didn’t argue as she grabbed her purse from where she’d tossed it on the couch last night and headed back to his bedroom.
He loaded up the dishwasher, and by the time he was done cleaning the counters and stovetop, she reentered the kitchen wearing the same outfit as the previous night. Her face was free of make-up, except for a slight gloss on her lips along with some kind of clip or rubber band that was now holding her hair in a messy bun on top of her head. Still, she looked breathtakingly beautiful.
“I guess I should go,” she said, shifting on her heels a bit awkwardly, a direct contradiction to the confident woman who’d been in his bed.
Before she could head out of the kitchen to the front door, he spoke up. “What are we doing here, Skye?” he asked, curious to know where her head was at and what to expect in terms of them. “You and me.”
She shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant. “Sex? Fun, no strings attached hookups?”