“They can watch you when you’re asleep,” Vaughn replied.
“I do that, and I’m not a ghost,” Cam said.
Gun patted her back. “You probably shouldn’t admit that out loud, sweetie.”
The cookies were gone in under ten seconds. Nana Pratt seemed pleased by this outcome. “It feels good to be useful again,” she said with a contented sigh.
I hurried upstairs to my bedroom to gather my weapons and zip on my boots. When I turned to leave, Kane stood in the doorway.
“When this is all over, I’d like to talk.”
“We already did.”
“The goat…”
I held up a hand. “The goat doesn’t change anything. You told me that getting involved was a bad idea. I accept that.”
“Lorelei.” He reached for my hand, but I pulled away.
“We have work to do, Kane. Let’s focus on that.” I ran downstairs ahead of him.
“We’ll hold down the fort,” Ray said.
I made sure to activate the ward on my way out. There was no point in taking any chances.
“Follow the yellow brick road,” Gun’s voice rang out.
“If we encounter flying monkeys, I’m out,” Anna said.
“If we encounter flying monkeys,” Josie said, “I’m adopting one.”
Our vehicles formed a procession as we drove to the nearest access point for Wild Acres. The teams spilled out of the doors, and we arranged to regroup in an hour.
It was go time.
We marched into the forest like an army preparing for battle. I was the only one with obvious weapons. Everyone else had the advantage of magic or claws.
As I walked at the end of the line, I felt a familiar burning sensation on my back. Someone was watching us.
I stopped and turned around. “Brody, where are you?”
The nature mage peeled away from the tall shadow of an evergreen. “I heard there was a party, and I wasn’t invited.”
“You were. I just had no idea where to send the invitation.”
He puffed out his chest. “Well, I’m here now. Might as well make good use of me.”
I caught up to the group with Brody in tow. “Everyone, this is Brody. Brody, this is everyone.”
Kane was the first to shake his hand. “You’re the nature mage.”
“’Tis I.”
Gun frowned. “’Tis? What accent even is that?”
“A special blend,” Brody replied.
“Like my coffee,” Cam said.