Page 86 of Dead Wrong

“I charge a pretty penny for my services.”

I nodded. “As you should.”

“What about the goat?” she asked. “Maybe the magic is weaker on that one.”

“Why not the donkey?”

“Donkeys are stubborn. The goat is my best bet.”

I motioned to the goat with a flourish. “Give it a try.”

She studied the bleating animal. “And which god do you think this one is?”

“Not sure about the god, but the vice is lust.”

Her smile widened. “You don’t say? And how did you figure that one out?”

I struggled to give an answer that didn’t give me away. “Reports of certain activities in town. The goat seems to work in tandem with some of the other animals, like wrath. There was even a murder-suicide.”

“Makes sense.” Camryn approached the goat from outside the cell. “Hey, did you notice this collar is slightly different?”

I leaned over her. “How?”

“It’s missing the silver spikes that the pig and donkey have.” She retrieved the Eight of Wands and tried again. “Will you look at that? No block on this one.”

“How do you know if this one isn’t talking either?”

She stood upright. “Because it can’t. This is a normal goat.”

I balked. “What? No, it can’t be.”

“If you’re right and there’s a lust goat ripping its way through town, this guy isn’t it.”

I stared at the goat. “You’re one hundred percent certain?”

“I’d bet my shamans on it.”

Shit. That meant…

Nope. I refused to think about what that meant.

Camryn gave the pig a longing look. “This blows. I really wanted this to have a happy ending.”

I steered her toward the door. “There’s still a chance.” I had no intention of holding these animals indefinitely. Maybe Camryn and the pig could be reunited once I determined whether my theory was wrong.

“I guess you’d better get hunting,” Camryn said. “We don’t want a population boom in nine months. This town doesn’t have the infrastructure.”

“Bye, Cam.” I waved as she sauntered outside, adjusting her beret to a jaunty angle as she left.

Ray intercepted me on my return to the kitchen. “I did a little research while you were busy with the Nerds lady.”

“You’re a treasure. Find out anything good?”

“That all depends on how you define ‘good.’”

“Not a promising start, Ray.”

“I worked on the assumption that your theory is right, and the man you saw was an Aztec god. The language spoken by ancient Aztecs is Nahuatl.”