Page 69 of Dead Wrong

Josephine snorted. “Does that make me a Roman goddess, too?”

“Not a stink eye,” I countered. “An actual evil eye. I saw it up close. It definitely made me feel like I was being hexed.”

“But you weren’t affected?” Kane asked.

“Don’t seem to be.” I glanced at Dantalion. “The wild boar was in the club when the fight broke out. I don’t think that was a coincidence.”

Kane was the first to catch on. “Wrath?”

I nodded. “And the lion is pride, I think. The animals might be acting in concert with each other. The murder-suicide suggests both envy and anger influenced John Landisville.”

“And possibly lust,” Kane added, “assuming your theory is correct.”

Just hearing the word ‘lust’ spill from his full lips made me shift in my seat.

“And there’s a donkey roaming around that could be sloth,” I added. Sloth was far less sexy than lust.

Dantalion looked at Kane. “It could be,” the great duke said vaguely.

Kane remained stoic with his arms crossed. “It isn’t.”

“It’s worth a conversation,” Dan insisted.

Kane looked ready to throw the demon into whatever circle of hell tortured annoying friends. “None of them has an evil eye like she-wolf.”

“Because all their body parts are evil,” Dan shot back.

“Just spit it out, Dan,” I said. “If Mr. Grumpy Pants doesn’t want to participate, he’s free to take his scowl elsewhere.”

Wordlessly Kane rose to his pricey loafers and left the table.

Josie watched him leave, appearing uncertain whether to stay and hear whatever Dan had to say. “I need to prep for tonight,” she finally said, and abandoned the table.

Dan sighed. “I was hopeful you and Kane made up earlier.”

“There’s nothing to make up. He’s a tool, and tools are for stabbing people in the eye.”

“They’re also for fixing things,” Dan said in a gentle voice.

I placed my hands on the table. “Can we get on with this? I have a town to save from whatever is plaguing it.”

Dan glanced over his shoulder at the bar. “I believe this discussion warrants a drink. Bourbon?”

“Sure. With Coke.” Because I was a lady, but mainly because I craved sugar like Gunther craved attention.

Dan returned a minute later with two glasses filled to the rim. “I know where Kane keeps the good stuff.”

I smiled as I accepted the glass. “You’ve already annoyed him. Might as well double down.”

Dantalion took a drink and rested the glass on his thigh. “What do you know about the seven princes of hell?”

My gaze instinctively shifted to the door that separated Kane’s private quarters from the nightclub. “I know one of them has a real chip on his shoulder and hasn’t told me why.”

“But you hadn’t heard of Kane Sullivan before you moved here, I take it.”

“No. The princes of hell I remember from books had names like Beelzebub and Satan.”

Dan nodded. “Lucifer, Belphegor, Mammon, Livyatan, Asmodeus, Satan, and Beelzebub.”