Page 67 of Dead Wrong

Dan looked at me expectantly. “What are we brainstorming? I’ve been trying to persuade Kane to host a singular species night, but he dislikes the notion of segregation.”

I was momentarily distracted by the idea. “Like a werewolves-only night?”

Dan’s bright blue eyes shone with enthusiasm. “Yes,exactly! An opportunity for members of the same species to meet each other.”

“This is Fairhaven, Dantalion.” Josie sounded bored. “They all know each other already.”

“Not true,” Dan said. “I’ve been studying the clientele, and the club reaches far beyond Fairhaven’s borders. It wouldn’t have to be a weekly event. Perhaps once a month, we could host a different species.”

“I don’t personally love the idea of a club full of wolves,” Josie said. “They like to brawl, which means more work for me.”

The demon duke nudged her. “But I bet you’d enjoy a vampires-only night. We could schedule that one first. Test the waters.”

“I believe I’m the one in charge of the schedule.” The prince of hell strode into the room, looking impossibly handsome. If I ever wanted proof there was no justice in the world, the evidence was right in front of me in a perfectly tailored pinstriped suit.

The temperature seemed to drop a good ten degrees when he spotted me. “Miss Clay, I didn’t expect to see you.”

“No, you’ve made that pretty clear.”

Dan and Josephine looked at us, then looked at each other before inventing excuses to make themselves scarce.

Kane and I locked eyes in mutual silence. It was a battle of wills, and I had no idea who was winning, mainly because it felt like we were both losing.

I broke first. “You left.”

“Very observant.”


He refused to make eye contact with me. “I believe that’s my business.”

“I told you something deeply personal, information I rarely share. I bared my soul, and you took off.”

He grunted. “If that’s the extent of your soul, I’d be concerned with your lack of bargaining power.”

I stared at him in disbelief. How was this the same demon that held up a phone during the god fight and played music he knew would rouse me into action?

“Why did you come back if you’re so unhappy to be here?”

He finally looked at me. “I’m not unhappy to be here.”

“Gee, you sound ecstatic.”

His face remained impassive. “Why are you here?”

“To torture myself, apparently.” I pushed away from the counter. “I was hoping to talk about the current situation in town.”

“I understand there’ve been a few incidents. These things happen when you live near a crossroads as powerful as ours.” He sounded blasé, as though I’d mentioned the milk spoiling because it was left out overnight.

“People have died, Kane. Multiple deaths within a week. Crime is way up. This is a serious problem for Fairhaven. I assumed you’d care. My mistake.”

The prince of hell seemed to absorb the information. “I didn’t realize. I’ve been … preoccupied.”

“Unpacking your suitcase takes all your mental effort, I guess.”

With the snap of his fingers, he summoned Dan and Josie back to the room and explained the purpose of my visit.

“How many deaths did you say?” Josie asked. Mark this moment down in the history books. She actually sounded concerned.