I droppedoff Alicia and then drove straight to Steven and Ashley’s house. The walkway and driveway had been cleared. Judging from the clean roof, the Pratt grandchildren had been ticking off jobs on a winter maintenance checklist. Nana Pratt would be proud—but hopefully not so proud that she exploded. Good thing she was already a ghost.
After my brief visit, I continued to the Bridger farm. I stayed alert as I parked my truck and entered the part of the forest where the Bridger Farm was located. This would be the ideal time for Brody to stage another attack. I’d intended to avoid the woods for the time being, but I needed Phaedra’s help. Facing off again with the nature mage was a risk I was willing to take.
To my left, a flock of birds circled above the trees, and I briefly wondered whether one of the mystery animals failed to survive the night.
Leaves rustled, and a shiver ran down my spine. “I’m a little busy right now, Brody,” I called. “Come back later when killing me is more convenient.”
A familiar figure cut through the shadows, but it wasn’t the nature mage. “Who wants to kill you?” West asked.
Relief surged through my body. “Nothing for you to worry about. What are you doing out here?”
“Hunting one of your supernatural animals. A pig.”
“In human form?”
“I don’t want to get mistaken for the wolf. I told the pack to stay human until we’ve sorted this out.”
“What makes you think this pig is supernatural?” I asked.
“Because I can’t smell it. It isn’t normal.”
“Interesting use of magic. Why not let him reek?”
“To hide him, I imagine.” West waved a hand. “Although his owner isn’t doing such a hot job of keeping him hidden if he’s gallivanting around Wild Acres.”
“Maybe he escaped.”
“There are a lot of maybes right now and not enough certainties.”
I shrugged. “That’s called life, West.”
His eyes widened. “There it is!” He bolted for the pig, and I ran after him.
West tackled the pig to the ground. “Quick, Lorelei. Where’s your knife?”
I stared at the writhing animal. “I can’t kill a pig.”
West struggled to maintain his hold on the slippery animal. “Are you kidding me? I’ve never seen anybody devour bacon the way you do.”
Gods above, I really did love bacon. But still. “This pig has a collar. He’s loved.”
“Or he’s owned. Either way, he’s some kind of mystic pig that’s causing problems. I say we kill him and cook him.”
“If you’re so sure, why don’t you kill it?”
The pig slipped out of his grasp and fled. Shit.
Mystical or not, I was faster than any pig on earth. Isprinted after the swine and grabbed it by the tail. It squealed and pulled away.
“The tail’s too slippery,” I said.
West caught up to me. “What’s your plan if you catch it, since you’re so against killing it?”
“To lock it up until I have more information.”
“You have quite the bleeding heart.”
“It isn’t compassion. It’s the smart play. I have no idea what’s going on, and this pig might have the answers.”