Page 51 of Dead Wrong

“You’re not asking, Lorelei. I’m offering.”

I hesitated. “Okay. Thank you.”

The ghost disappeared. By the time the plumber arrived, the water had been reduced to half an inch. I left him to deal with the rest and went upstairs to my bedroom to shut out the world. Right now, it was the only way to survive it.

The next day was better. I had working water. Electricity. All the modern conveniences—except working radiators. I soaked in the bath and felt a rush of gratitude for the help I received.

Once I was rested and clean, I went outside in search of Ray. I hadn’t seen the ghost since our argument, and I felt the need to apologize.

The sky was swathed in a gray blanket, but the only sign of snow was on the ground. I observed the frost-covered bridge with a sigh. As pretty as it looked, it still meant morework. I pushed the thought aside and continued my search for Ray. I found him in the cemetery, lurking near his headstone.

“The snow manages to make this place look picturesque,” I said.

The ghost glanced at me before returning his gaze to his headstone.

“I’m sorry I snapped at you, Ray. I know you meant well.”

“Of course I did. I always mean well.”

“Why are you here?”

“Just reflecting on my life. Seems like an appropriate place to do it.”

“Come up with any revelations?”

“A few. Don’t feel like sharing them though.” He angled his head toward the house. “I saw the plumber was here. Everything good?”

“As good as it can be for now.”

“How’d you pay the bill?”

“I didn’t. Otto did.”

“That was kind of him.”

“He said it’s the least he can do for introducing him to Scrabble. He thinks he might prefer it to chess.” I knew the vampire was full of shit, but I appreciated the sentiment.

“I’m glad you’re in a better mood,” Ray said. “Testy Lorelei isn’t fun.”

“If you want to know the truth, I don’t enjoy her much either.”

“You’re under a lot of stress.”

“Tends to happen when somebody wants to kill you.”

“Want to talk about it?” Ray had a way of looking at me that made me feel seen, which struck me as ironic, given that I was the only one who could see him.

“I’d rather learn about it. Might keep me alive longer. My stalker is a nature mage.”

“What’s a nature mage?”

“A guy who can do cool stuff with an acorn, apparently. Ever hear of the Hidden People?”

“I can’t say that I have. Want me to look online?”

“The internet’s down again.”

“Of course it is. Why not give the library a call? Doesn’t seem like the kind of research that ought to wait.”