Page 49 of Dead Wrong

“There are thingsyoudon’t know. Do you think I tell everybody the truth?”

“It’s very clear that you’ve taken great pains to hide your identity, and I respect your decision.”

“And what? I’m supposed to throw you a parade because you haven’t told anyone? Congratulations, Kane. You’re a half decent demon.”

He smirked. “A compliment? I’ll remember this moment always.”

I curled my fingers around the handle of my sword. “I told you to leave. If I have to tell you again, it won’t be with words.” I glanced at the guilt gift. “Leave the chair, though. It looks good in here.”

He nodded. “And you’ll look good seated in it. The color suits you.”

I withdrew my sword. “Leave. Now.”

“No need to threaten bodily harm. Your wish is my command.”

I averted my gaze as he walked past me. I heard his footsteps fade and then the sound of the front door opening and closing.

My shoulders sagged. “He left,” I whispered. The fact that I’d demanded his departure didn’t matter. He left without an explanation, and I let him. All the weeks of waiting and wondering, and I ordered him to leave when he finally showed up ready to talk.

Filled with self-loathing, I practically crawled upstairs to run the bath. It didn’t take long to realize there was a problem with the water. I ran downstairs calling Ray’s name. The ghost appeared by the basement door.

“Ray, the water isn’t working. Can you help me figure out why?”

Looking at the floor, the ghost scratched the nape of his neck. “I already know why.”

“Is it the township again? Somebody fell asleep at the water wheel?”

“Not quite. The pipes burst.”

“Burst? Why did they do that?”

“They can freeze if they’re not kept warm enough, and then they burst.”

I tried not to calculate the number of dollars this fix would require.

“You’re the expert. Why didn’t you warn me that could happen?”

“Hey!” Ray’s voice was indignant. “I do what I can around here.”

“This is the last thing I need right now.”

He looked at the basement door. “You’re not going to want to go down there, but unfortunately you have to.”

I closed my eyes and counted to ten in my head. “Please tell me the basement isn’t flooded.”

“Okay, I won’t tell you. You can see for yourself, although I’d bring a flashlight. I already turned off the main water supply and disconnected the electricity so you don’t electrocute yourself. The excess water will need to be removed quickly to avoid further damage.”

“Thanks, Ray.”

“You’ve got a flashlight app on your phone, don’t you? Use that.”

I tapped the flashlight icon and crept down the steps. Sure enough, the basement floor was covered in an inch of water. Hell was freezing over right in my own basement.

I retreated upstairs to sit on the floor and cry. Leaning against the basement door, I looked at Ray, feeling utterly defeated. “Who do I call?”

“It’ll be cheaper to fix it yourself.”

I didn’t have the strength to offer a snarky reply. “Do I seem like I’m in any shape to fix my own pipes at the moment?”