Page 39 of Dead Wrong

“Clearly. As it happens, she’s asleep in her quarters.”

“What happened? Did you make her shovel your massive driveway?”

“I’m not sure. I wonder if she’s coming down with something. It isn’t like her to nap.”

“Then it’s probably good that I’m calling to cancel lunch.” Otto wasn’t responsible for making the impressive platters, only paying for them.

“If you hadn’t called, I would’ve suggested it anyway. Apparently, the roads haven’t been plowed yet this morning. People are calling the township to complain. It seems two of the drivers slept through their alarms and got a late start.”

“How do you know all that?”

Otto was silent for a moment. “That’s irrelevant.”

“Not to me.” Kane had once told me he collected secrets, but right now Otto could give the demon a run for his money.

“I have my sources,” was all the vampire would admit.

“Is your source a municipal employee or a device?”

His chuckle reverberated in my ear. “You should have been a journalist, Lorelei. You always know how to cut right to the heart of the matter.”

“And now you’re trying to use flattery as a distraction.”

“I’ll tell you the next time you visit. How about that?”

“And you’re hopeful I’ll forget by then, and you won’t bring it up.” I sighed. “Fine, but you should realize I’m too nosy to forget.”

“I regret you won’t be able to join me for lunch, but I understand. This weather is quite unpredictable.”

“Stay inside today.” The vertically challenged vampire could easily disappear in a snowdrift, never to be seen again.

“That’s the plan.”

“You’ve been around the block a few thousand times. Have you experienced thundersnow in Fairhaven before?”

“Not that I recall. If it makes you uneasy, I’m sure there’s a certain prince of hell who would be more than happy to comfort you.”

I could practically hear him smiling. “That’s highly unlikely considering he isn’t speaking to me.”

“And why is that? What did you do to him?”

I strangled a cry of indignation. “Why would you assume it’s my fault? He’s the one with ‘hell’ in his title.”

“He’s also the one quite besotted with you. If he’s shut you out, I’d be looking in the mirror for an explanation.”

I made a static sound in the phone. “I think the storm is affecting the line. Gotta go!” I hung up before he could insult me any further.

“Would you mind checking on Steven and Ashley?” Nana Pratt asked. “I want to make sure they have a working heater.”

“Oh, and after that, call Renee and Alicia,” Ray added.

I stared at them. “Do I look like your assistant?”

“You look like you’re alive,” Ray shot back. “It’s a low bar.”

Begrudgingly, I called Steven, then Renee.

“All good,” I told the pestering ghosts. “Satisfied?”