Page 32 of Dead Wrong

I marched through the gate and across the bridge. A lone figure sat on my front porch. My heart jumped. Maybe Kane hadn’t called because he’d opted to show up in person. That was forgivable.

Except Kane didn’t own a fuzzy purple coat that made him look like a giant Muppet.


Gunther glancedup as I approached. His boots looked more appropriate for the runway than the walkway, but I’d come to expect that from Gun. The mage had more fashion than sense.

“Where have you been?” he demanded. “It’s late, and I’m frozen solid. You’re now speaking to an ice sculpture.”

I did the mature thing and ignored him. He leaned to the side to give me room to pass.

I unlocked the front door and said, “I’m not speaking to you.”

He moved to an upright position to stand behind me. “Really? Because you’re saying words right now, and I’m the only one hearing them.”

“I can hear them, too,” Ray said, materializing out of thin air.

I shifted my glare to the ghost. “Rules, Ray.”

He promptly disappeared.

“Can I come in before my mascara freezes to my lashes?” Gun asked. “My eyes are too sensitive to handle the fallout.”

I entered the house but blocked the doorway to prevent Gun from following. “You lied to me.”

He opened his mouth as if to object, then seemed to think better of it. “I had no choice. I was sworn to secrecy.”

“Since when does that matter?”

“If you’d seen Kane’s face when he told us to keep his presence confidential, you’d understand.”

“So therewasa guild meeting. I knew it!”

He nodded. “We got a mysterious text from Josie calling an emergency meeting.”

“What was the emergency?”

“That Kane had returned and wanted us to know. It was straight back to business as usual, like he never left.”

“Did he say why he left?”

He cocked an eyebrow. “What do you think? Kane doesn’t share personal information with anybody.”

But I’d shared with him. And I sorely regretted it.

“I’m more than happy for you to rake me over the coals right now,” Gun said, dancing from side to side to stay warm. “Anything for a little heat.”

“You won’t find much in my house. Some of the radiators must be on the fritz.” I stepped aside to let him pass.

“Anything’s better than outside.” He removed his coat and hung it on the rack. “I’m glad to see you’re putting the coat rack I bought to good use. I’d murder for a hot drink right now.”

“That isn’t saying much when you murder for a living.”

“A hot drink would be a major discount.” He walked ahead of me into the kitchen. “Why not have these radiators ripped out and install a modern heating system?”

I stared at him. “You’re already on my list. Do you want to dig yourself deeper?”

He looked blank. “What do you mean?”