Page 12 of Dead Wrong

“It’s so cold and miserable, even the monsters would rather be elsewhere,” Bree said.

“You haven’t seen or smelled any signs of a lost dog, have you?”

“Thankfully not,” Bree replied. “Tough conditions for a small-town dog. Is he yours?”

“No.” I cut a glance at the crossroads. “How about a lion?”

They both started laughing.

“I don’t even know what a lion would smell like,” Meathead said. “Peanuts and popcorn?”

Bree snorted. “Only if it escaped from the circus.”

“Or the zoo,” Meathead added. “The zoo has all kinds of tasty snacks.”

Bree’s face hardened. “I would never set foot in a zoo. It’s unnatural to keep animals locked up.”

Meathead lowered his head. “Yeah, I know, but the snacks.”

“Go see a movie if you want good popcorn,” she snapped.

These two were about as helpful as a chocolate teapot. “Stay warm, you two. I’m going to keep looking.” It was getting darker by the minute. It occurred to me that I had to travel alone through the woods to reach the trailhead where I’d left my truck. I hoped to make it back in one piece, unlike Chutney.

My phone buzzed as I slogged through the forest. I slowed to a stop and used my teeth to tug off a glove so I could answer. “Hey, Otto.”

“Good evening, Lorelei. Why do you sound like you’re outside?”

I glanced at the towering trees around me. “Because I am outside.”

“Did you decide to walk here? It seems like an unpleasant evening for a stroll.”

I closed my eyes as the realization settled in. Otto had invited me for dinner and a game of Scrabble afterward, and I had agreed. I opened my eyes to look at the clock on my phone. I should’ve been there twenty minutes ago.

“I’m so sorry, Otto. I got caught up in a project, and now I’m in the woods.”

“Dare I ask the reason?”

“It’s a long story, but there might be a lost dog out here, and if there is, I want to find it.”

“I didn’t peg you for an animal lover.”

“If it were summer, I wouldn’t be as concerned, but this weather is dangerous for a domestic dog.”

“Is anyone helping you in the search?” He paused to sigh. “Why did I bother to ask such an inane question? I bet you didn’t ask for assistance.”

“I asked. No one was available on such short notice.” Fine, it was a bald-faced lie, but I hated that Otto thought he knew me so well. Never mind that he was right.

“Does this dog belong to someone you know?”

“I don’t know. It might not even be a dog. It might be a lion.”

“I see. Now I’m starting to think you’re simply blowing off our engagement. If you made other plans, you need only say so.”

I was beginning to feel the cold standing in one place. It was time to move again. “I promise you, Otto. I’m out here searching for a wayward animal. I’m sorry I forgot our plans, truly. How can I make it up to you?”

“No need to grovel. It’s unbecoming. We can simply reschedule once the crisis has passed.”

“How about I bring a special dessert to make up for this snafu?”