Page 102 of Dead Wrong

“I’m a freak of nature with immense power, which makes me a target for those who’d want to weaponize me.”

“And your fella found out what you are. Is that why you two fought?”

“More or less. I have direct access to minds, memories, dreams, nightmares. I can learn a lot about someone in under sixty seconds.”

“And your prince of hell wasn’t too excited about that.”

“He isn’t mine, and he has his reasons.”

Nana Pratt returned to the kitchen. “Lorelei, I hate to interrupt, but that woman with the tattoos is outside. She isn’t even wearing a coat.”

“That’s because she doesn’t feel anything.” Only a monster would choose to gather intel the way she had.

I looked at the ghosts. “Are we good?”

They nodded. “Thank you for telling us,” Ray said. “I know it wasn’t easy for you.”

“A lifetime of conditioning will do that.” I pushed back my chair. “I want you two to stay away. I don’t know yet what Addison is capable of, and I don’t want you caught in the crossfire.”

I walked to the foyer to peer outside. Sure enough, Addison Gray stood outside the gate wearing only a blacktank top, black jeans, and black boots. Judging from her rigid posture, she wasn’t happy.

Grabbing my coat, I headed into the cold air to greet her. “Is that you, Addy?”

“Yes.” I could hear the ire in her voice. She wasn’t just unhappy; girlfriend was pissed.


She gestured to the gate. “I was just coming to see you. It seems you have a few items that belong to me. Seven, in fact.”

I folded my arms. “Haven’t you ever heard of finders keepers, Addy?”

Anger flashed in her eyes. Surprise, surprise. The goddess didn’t like being told no. “Why would you want them in your house? You’ve seen firsthand how dangerous they are.”

“If they’re so dangerous, why do you want them?”

The anger melted from her eyes as she switched gears. “Because it would be very bad if they didn’t find their way back to the storage container where they belong.”

Storage container? These were living, breathing creatures, not dusty old records. “And where is that?”

“I think you know.”

“The Corporation headquarters.”

“Close enough. They’re kept at an off-site facility.”

“Why set them loose in Fairhaven? Innocent people have died because of you.”

“Au contraire, snookums. I think you’ll find they died because of you. I wanted to see what you’re made of.”

Wow. Talk about a lack of accountability. “Sugar and spice and everything nice. At least that’s what my grandmother used to tell me.”

“I think your grandmother forgot a few key ingredients.”

“What makes you say that?”

She offered a demure smile. “I heard all about your win in Magnarella’s fighting ring.”

Disappointment flooded my veins. “From Naomi Smith?” Otherwise known as Eunomia, goddess of law and order. Naomi was The Corporation’s intrepid investigator who’d pegged me as another avatar. I’d promised her it was the god elixir at work and asked her to leave me in peace. I’d been both surprised and relieved when she agreed.