“Don’t blame yourself. Fairhaven’s been a magnet for supernatural trouble since the dawn of civilization here. Whatever it is, we’ll handle it like we always do.” His hand froze on my shoulder. “I smell patchouli.”
My skin itched. “It’s sandalwood,” I corrected him. “Kane is here.”
I excused myself to let him in.
The prince of hell noticed West behind me. “Good to see you, Davies.”
The alpha snarled.
“I’ll see you later,” West said to me.
Kane flashed his teeth. “Don’t leave on my account.”
“Just heading out to round up reinforcements. I’ll be back.” He slapped Kane on the back. “Her cookies are delicious, by the way. You should try them sometime.”
The demon waited until the front door clicked closed to address me. “He tasted your cookies?”
“When you say it like that, it sounds dirty.” I returned to the kitchen. “Technically Nana Pratt baked him cookies. He showed up when they were in the oven. What was I supposed to do? Eat one in front of him?”
“You could’ve waited until he left.”
“They taste best straight from the oven.” I popped a lid off a bottle of beer and drank. “What does it matter to you anyway? I’m a free agent. If I want to feed every wolf in the pack, that’s up to me.”
“As long as you’re only feeding them. Is there a bottle for me, or do only werewolves get food and drink privileges?”
“One exchange of bodily fluids and now you’re the boss of me? I don’t think so.” I pulled another bottle from the fridge and handed it to him. “Wouldn’t want you to feel left out.”
He flicked off the lid with his thumb. “We should talk about this once the current situation is under control.”
“Talk about what?” I drained the beer from my bottle.
“You know what.” His voice sounded weary enough that I felt my defenses soften.
“I think you said everything you needed to say. Let’s focus on these sinful animals. For all we know, they’re the cause of all recent behavior.”
His brow inched up. “Is there other behavior I should know about? Perhaps something brewing between you and Davies? You do have certain things in common.”
“A love of chocolate chip cookies?” I selected a gooey one from the cooling tray and bit into it.
“You recall that I collect secrets, yes?”
“I do.”
“Are you aware that Davies isn’t an original member of the local pack?”
“He and I were just discussing that, in fact.” Sort of.
“Did he tell you why?”
I savored the taste of the cookies. A-plus, Nana Pratt. “Not really my business.”
“Davies was cast out of his pack as a pup when a rival killed his family to take over. The wolf tried to wipe out the whole line. West was the only one to escape. He ended up here and became the alpha of Arrowhead.”
“I’m surprised he managed it. Packs tend to be insular.”
“There was a power vacuum at the time. He seized the opportunity. Nobody’s challenged him since then.”
“I’m not surprised. He’s grown into a strapping alpha.”