“School’s closed.”
“Good. Then stay inside.”
“I can’t do that. I’ll get bored to death.”
Better than being mauled to death, I wanted to say but refrained. “That lion is still on the loose. It isn’t safe outside until it’s been caught.”
“But you said it didn’t really attack that guy.”
“That doesn’t mean it won’t attack you. Maybe the man saw the lion and had a heart attack.”
“A heart attack doesn’t break you into a gazillion pieces.”
No, that was the grief that followed the loss of a loved one. Ask me how I know.
“Tell her I said she’s to stay indoors until further notice,” Ray intervened.
“Your grandfather is backing me up,” I told her.
She scowled. “Fine. Can I at least take home that can of whipped cream to keep me busy?”
I didn’t have the strength to argue. “Take it. Try not to eat it all in one sitting.”
“Thanks, Ghost Lady. You’re the best.”
“No, I’m easily manipulated. There’s a difference.”
Alicia sucked down the remainder of her hot cocoa. “This stuff wasn’t as bad as I expected. I approve of this brand.”
“I’ll make a note of it.” I followed her to the door where she slipped on her coat. “Will the boys come back to pull you home?”
“No, it’s mostly downhill. I can do it without them.”
I didn’t relish the idea of sending Alicia home by herself.Given the current situation, anything could happen between here and her house.
“You know what? I need to drive out to Bridger Farm. Why don’t I drop you off on the way?”
Alicia’s eyes turned hopeful. “Are you sure?”
“It’s no trouble.”
“The roads are kind of messy.”
“Good thing I excel in messy.”
“You can say that again,” Nana Pratt said. “One look at your kitchen sink and it’s obvious.”
I glared at the ghost. “I wasn’t talking about the state of my house.”
Ray aimed a finger at Nana Pratt. “No harping on Lorelei for the rest of the day, not when she’s taking care of my grandbaby.”
Nana Pratt seemed to take it under advisement. “Would you mind checking on Steven and Ashley while you’re out? As handy as Steven is with computers, he’s not that great when it comes to work of a more practical nature. I bet he hasn’t even shoveled the driveway yet.”
I had no doubt Steven and Ashley were fine. Nana Pratt’s grandchildren were older than Alicia and had proven themselves more than capable of taking care of themselves, unless you counted Ashley getting kidnapped, of course.
“I’ll check,” I promised.