Page 104 of Dead Wrong

“What makes you think the decision was mine? I had a lot of help.”

“Nice try. Why do you think I targeted strangers in town instead of your loved ones? That’s right—because you don’t have any.” She waved a hand at the Castle. “Why not live off the grid in a yurt instead of choosing the biggest house in a small town? You can’t manifest the life you want with mixed signals, kitten. You’ll only confuse the universe.”

“I saw an opportunity to put down roots, and I took it.”

“The way you saw an opportunity to save the people of Fairhaven from deadly vices? Face it, Lorelei, you have a savior complex.”

I was ready to drag Addison inside and feed her to the lion. “I do not have a savior complex.”

“Of course you do. You wouldn’t have taken that mage’s place in the ring otherwise.”

“That was a favor,” I insisted.

Whatever I was trying to sell, Addy wasn’t buying it. “It’s nothing to be embarrassed about, sweetie. I’m guessing it’s your childhood that set you up for that. Trauma is ascommon as the cold. I can tell you why Addison chose to become an avatar. Tragic backstory, that.” She eyed me curiously. “But what I’d like to know is why did you become one and, more importantly, how? You’re not on the company payroll, and I know it wasn’t Magnarella’s elixir. The powers didn’t match the deity.”

“Why go to such great lengths? Why not tell your bosses your theory and let them deal with me?”

“Because I want the credit.”

I examined her closely. “I get it now. You’realreadyon the outs with them, and you hope delivering me will get you back in their good graces.”

Addison opened her arms wide. “What can I say? I’m a rebel at heart. Gets me in hot water on occasion.” Her eyes gleamed with malice. “But I always find a way to get myself out of it.”

She charged through the open gate and slammed into me, knocking us both to the ground. My teeth rattled as the back of my head hit the paved walkway.

Her fist hurtled toward my face. I rolled to the side, so it only skimmed my hair. Before I could get upright, Addison was on top of me again. As expected, she was freakishly strong. We grappled on the ground, kicking up a mixture of snow and dirt. A flurry of blows landed along my jawline. The taste of blood filled my mouth. This was no ordinary fight. It wasn’t even like the fight in Magnarella’s ring. This was a true goddess-on-goddess in the real world.

The heel of my boot connected with her nose, followed by a crunching sound. I scrambled to my feet and put a couple yards between us.

“Tell me more about your childhood trauma,” I taunted. “Did that involve going uphill in the snow both ways barefoot and with both hands tied behind your back?”

She remained on the ground, and I was pleased to seeblood dripping from her nose. “I told you—it was Addison’s trauma. I have all her information stored inside.” She tapped the side of her head.

“You sound like a robot. Come to think of it, you act like one too. All head and no heart.”

She pretended to pout. “Kitten, you wound me. You know as well as I do that goddesses like us don’t have the same lived experience as mere humans.”

Except I did, because I was both. I’d always been both, and right now I was afraid that put me at a distinct disadvantage.

I tried another tack. “This doesn’t have to be a competition, you know. Women should lift each other up.”

Addison sprang forward and rammed her head into my shins. I went sailing through the air, landing on my tailbone with a hard thud. “High enough for you?”

I struggled to my feet as pain radiated down my lower back and my legs. “I give it a five.”

She clucked her tongue. “And here I thought it wasn’t a competition.”

“Why are you holding back? Where are your goddess powers, or is that the problem at work? Was your performance review unsatisfactory?” If I knew her identity, I could formulate a better plan to fight her.

She smirked. “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.”

I wiggled my fingers. “Come on,snookums. Impress me.”

Addison rushed toward me. I grabbed her fist before she could land her next punch and twisted her arm until I heard a satisfying snap. She expressed her displeasure by sweeping my legs out from under me. I fell backward but immediately catapulted myself back to a standing position. She was ready for me with a sharp chop to the throat.

“I’ve seen you fight in the ring,” Addison said. “I know you can do better than this.”

“It was the elixir,” I rasped.