“Tell me about your new job. Are you excited?”

“I am. My music teacher from middle school ran into Avery a few weeks ago. He got funding to create an after school program for kids who can’t afford extracurriculars or just need a more positive environment.”

“Mack, that’s perfect for you.”

“Yeah, I hope music can impact their lives the way it did mine, ya know? I don’t know where I’d be without it.”

“You’re going to be so great for them. They are lucky to have you.”

“Thanks, Lex.” He wraps his arm around my shoulder, pulling me into a side hug.

“I’ll miss you.” I sigh with the admission.

“I was thinking maybe you could come visit in April. It will be Where We Are’s final show. We are playing at the first place we got paid to play. Should be a good time.”

“Yes! I’m down.” My phone vibrates in my pocket, and I reach for it, falling away from Mack’s hug.

“You finally got a new phone case.” Mack has been harassing me about getting a new one for months.

I can’t help my smile. “It was a Valentine’s Day gift from Troy.”

“What! Gifts? This sounds a little like a relationship to me. Who are you, and what did you do with Lexy?!” he jokes.

“I know. It’s weird, huh?”

“Nah, I like it. Where is he? I thought maybe he’d be tagging along today.” The three of us came out here a couple weeks ago. It wasn’t weird at all; the guys got along well.

“He’s actually in Oregon.”

“You didn’t want to go with him?”

“He already had it planned before we started… whatever we are doing. Plus, I wasn’t going to miss out on my last weekend with you.”

“You two have been spending a lot of time together. Is he surviving without you?”

“He texts me all day. It’s ridiculous.” I chuckle, shaking my head before somberness takes over. “But I think he’d rather live in Oregon,” I admit. “He hasn’t outright said it, but it’s the impression I get.”

“How do you feel about that?”

“I’m not sure. I’d be upset if he left. I think I’d lose him. It’s different from how I feel with you.” The thought terrifies me. I tried to deny how strong my feelings are for Troy when Bri accused us of being in love at the wedding, but every day since, I keep thinking maybe I’m getting closer to her being right. I wonder if I’ll know,howI’ll know.

“What if he asked you to go with him?” He seems almost hopeful at the idea.

“I don’t think I’m against it, but I have never been before. I might hate it. He wants to make things official, but it’s been less than two months. Moving to another state with someone I just met? Sounds crazy.”

“You’re talking to the wrong person about that. I talked my girlfriend into moving in with me after only spending like ten days together in person.”

“True. I’ll cross that bridge if and when we get to it. It’s not something I’m ready to worry over.”

“Well, either way, I hope you can come in April. If Troy can’t come with you, you’re more than welcome to stay at my sister’s with me. She wants to meet you.”

“Whatever happens, I’ll be there.”



Troyiswaitingoutsidemy apartment, leaning against the front door, when I get home. He got back from Oregon today, and I’ve missed him more than I would have wanted to admit in the past. I think I’m ready to own up to my feelings and take another step forward. I keep recalling my run in with my mom a few weeks ago. The realization that maybe I was more on track to end up like her than I thought hit me hard. I’m still scared of being part of an all-consuming love, but I also think I have better judgment than my mom. I know I do. Plus, my relationship with Troy feels significantly different than any of my mom’s relationships.