Me:So, Mack and I went out for New Year’s Eve for karaoke. Yes, I sang in public. I’m having major growth over here while you’re gone.

Maci:I’m so proud of you! I expect a second performance when I come home so I can see it for myself.

I spend the next few minutes filling Maci in on the past few weeks, and it feels so good to finally get all of my thoughts out of my head. She’s nothing but encouraging and understanding about my overwhelming range of emotions. As she’s texting goodnight, headlights light up the aisle where I’m parked. Locking my car and stepping out, I take the few steps to the elevator.

I lock my phone and slide it in my back pocket as Troy’s car quietly pulls into the space a few down from the elevator, and he shifts into park. Pulling the keys from the ignition, he looks up, freezing when he sees me waiting against the cement wall. He looks down, and I imagine him running his fingers along the edge of his key fob as he debates if he wants to see me.

After what feels like minutes have passed, he steps out of his car and makes his way to me. “Lexy.” He stands a foot back, rolling down the sleeves of his black dress shirt. I watch shamelessly until his forearms are covered. Damn, this man is sexy, and he could be mine if I would pull my head out of my ass.

“Hey.” It comes out as a whisper. Fuck, this is pathetic and not who I want to be right now. In general. With Troy.

He takes a step closer to me but then redirects toward the elevator for his next step like he had to remind himself not to let me off the hook. I’m thankful for it. I can’t think straight when he’s too close, and I need to make this right.

The elevator dings as the doors open, and he steps inside, using his eyes instead of his words to ask,Are you coming?I slip inside the metal box, the tension feeling nothing like the first time we were in here. I invade his personal space, and whatever is in his cologne–pepper and vanilla maybe–overpowers me in the best way as the doors close. His voice cuts through our silence. “I’m happy to see you, but I’m also a little not happy with you.”

“I know.” I chew on my bottom lip, not knowing what to say.

“I know this is all new and hard for you, but I don’t think I’m asking for too much,” he states as he reaches to press the button for the fifth floor.

“You’re not.” I reply quickly as the elevator jerks. The floor feels heavy under my feet, my apology flooding out as we move. “I’m sorry. I could give you all my excuses, but you already know them, and none of them are justified.”

He cuts me off by reaching his hand out for mine. “Your reasons are understandable, but I think mine are too, so if you are interested in me, I need you to meet me halfway here. I’m willing to go slow and help you work through your insecurities, but I need you to accept I have my own I’m working on too. Can you do that?”

I nod. “I talked to Maci.”

“You did?” His wide eyes and tone of voice display his shock.

I nod. “Yeah. Between Mack and her we practically have our own cheering squad.” I force a laugh.

“Thank you. I appreciate it. But also. You could have warned me that Mack was Maci’s ex. I felt like a total dick.”

“Yeaaaah, that one was totally my bad. I’m sorry for that too,” I say, looking at my hands. His finger catches under my chin, forcing me to look at him instead. “I’m not trying to fight with you,” I add shyly.

“I know.” His voice is soft and understanding as he slides his hand against my jaw until his fingers are buried in my hair. There's something about the way this man touches me that captivates me. I don't think I could pull away from him even if I wanted to.

But I don't want to.

I'm done running from what this could be. I'm done running from the man standing in front of me who somehow knows me better than I know myself.

Troy's eyes search mine, the crease between his brow deepening like he's trying to solve my fucked up puzzle. His thumb grazes over my cheek, and my breath catches in my throat.

The corner of his mouth twitches at the effect he has on me, and then his mouth is on mine.

The kiss is enough to pull a sound from my throat.

And then it turns into a whole lot more.



“Tellmesomething,”Lexysays, her breath warm on my chest where she lays.

I twist a blonde curl around my finger. “Like what?”

“I don’t know. Something you haven’t told me yet. Did you like being in a fraternity?”

“Loved it. It’s like having a second family who has your back no matter what, and it lasts forever. That’s how Nolan and I became friends. We got to talking at a bar one night and realized we were brothers. Did you have anything like that?”