“What did I forget?” I can’t think of anything.

He leans over the bar, his hand reaching for the back of my neck and pulling me closer once he latches on. His lips press against mine, and I feel it all the way to my toes. Again, I’m reminded I’m in way too fucking deep.

He pulls back. “That.”

“How could I have forgotten?” I roll my eyes, making my way to the other side of the bar where I have lemons waiting to be cut and try to hide my smile.

“Also, I was wondering if you had plans tonight?”

“You tell me.” There’s hesitation behind my words because I haven’t done what he asked. He asked me again to talk to Maci when he left yesterday afternoon.

“Did you talk to Maci?”

“It’s been like a day, Troy, and she’s in another country. I haven’t had a chance yet. But I will. This really isn’t a big deal. We don’t even know if this is going to be a real thing between us. And Maci won’t care either way besides wanting to know the fun details.” I get his concern, but I still don’t think it’s something that needs to be remedied immediately.

“I don’t think she will either, but you know that’s not the point.”

“Hey, Lex. It’s Troy, right?” Mack’s voice startles me when he joins us out of nowhere. Fucking fantastic. This will be a mess if I don’t shut this conversation down.

“Yeah. Hey, man.” Troy fist bumps Mack, who then moves to readjust his backward black hat.

“Troy, let’s talk about this later.”

“I don’t get why this is a whole thing, Lexy. It’s just a text message, and it’s important to me.” I’m about to attempt to send him away again, but he turns to Mack. “Mack, right?” He continues before Mack nods. “Tell me this. If you were interested in the best friend of someone you’ve hooked up with, the right thing to do would be to talk to them before pursuing a relationship.” He says it as a statement, but waits for Mack to confirm.

“No one said anything about a relationship,” I snap before crossing my arms over my chest and sighing in annoyance. Why am I so on edge about this?

What we are talking about hasn’t clicked for Mack. Maybe we can avoid this, at least for now. “Yeah, I’d say so. Depends on the situation though, I guess.”

I can’t get a word in before Troy. “I’m very interested in this girl right here.” He points at me with his thumb over his shoulder, and I know whatever comes out of his mouth next will open a can of worms he isn’t expecting. I don’t know how to stop this conversation, so I just watch the trainwreck unfold before my eyes.

“Butshedoesn’t think it matters that the only reason we know each other is because I slept with her best friend. I don’t want to start our relationship based on dishonesty, and omitting the truth is the same.” He’s starting to sound frustrated.

“Again, we are not in a relationship.” I interject into their conversation.

I can practically see the gears turning in Mack’s head, my comment and attempt at a conversation change being ignored by both of them. I rub my hands up my face before reaching out for Mack’s forearm. His name is on my tongue, but his eerily calm voice overpowers mine. “How long ago did you sleep with her?”

Troy looks like he’s trying to do math in his head. He hasn’t realized the question is for Mack’s benefit, rather than his. “I don’t know, October. So, like three months ago.”

His calculation isn’t even out of his mouth before the words fly out of Mack’s.

“You’re fucking joking, right?” I swear his green eyes turn red as he focuses on me, his hands slamming on the bartop.

“Whoa, man. I know it’s weird, but I’m trying to do the right thing here.”

I cut in for damage control. “You two weren’t together then, Mack. She can do whatever she wants.” I feel bad saying that, but it is the truth. It’s not like she cheated on him.

I focus on my friend, but I can see Troy piecing the story together out of the corner of my eye.

“Not because I didn’t want to be,” he growls at me. “Does she like him? Is that why you’re afraid to tell her?!” He rips his hat off in frustration and runs his fingers through his hair, tugging on the strands.

“No. That’s not it…”

“Tell me.” His usually calm voice is all demand.

“She doesn’t like him, Mack. I DO.” It bursts out of me with frustration of my own. “And if I tell her then it’s real, and I have to figure out how the fuck to have feelings for someone.” I turn away for a moment to take a breath. When I spin back, I see I left Troy standing there a little stunned. Yeah, welcome to the club, bud. I’m as surprised about this situation as you are.

My eyes shift to Mack. I watch his anger dissolve into defeat as he mumbles under his breath. “Fuck.” He meets Troy’s gaze. His features soften a bit, although the clenched fists at his side makes me feel like he wants to punch something. “I’m sorry, man. You didn’t do anything wrong.” He speaks as if the words physically pain him to say, as if heknowsthey are true, but can’t get himself to believe them. “I think it’s cool that you want to be upfront.” That part came out a little more genuine at least.