“Lexy,youdon’t even like California.”

“Okay, fair. But I’m being serious. How can you even know you want to date me?”

“I don’t know. My gut?”

“That doesn’t sound trustworthy. Most people’s gut can’t even handle Mexican food,” she says matter-of-factly as if the two are actually connected. I attempt to stifle a laugh. “It could just as easily not work out.”

“Maybe it won’t,” her eyes widen at my words, “but maybe it will. How will we know if we don’t try?”

“I don’t like not having control.”

“Look, I’m not going to lie to you. I have no idea if we will work. How can anyone know that at first? But I can tell you that I want to try, and I promise I won’t let you be all consumed by us. I’ll always be honest with you, and I’ll never intentionally hurt you.”

Her eyes shift across my face as she looks at me. “I do feel it…”

“Feel what?” I know what she means, but selfishly I want to hear her say it.

“Whatever this is between us.”

“Oh yeah?” I grin and lean in to kiss her. I can feel her smile in our kiss before she pulls back.

“Mhmm. I felt it before you did.”

She must see the question on my face.

“I kind of forced myself on Nolan, so I wouldn’t think about you.”

“You didn’t.” I laugh at her, reveling in this new information.

She giggles with amusement, and it’s the best sound I’ve ever heard. Okay, maybe the second best. I’m about to get my favorite sound out of her. “You put a thought in my head that doesn’t belong there. I think you need to make it up to me.”

“Oh yeah? How do you expect me to do that?” she says as her hand disappears under the sheet.

We stayed in bed most of the day, outside of me answering the door to get food I ordered from the café up the street. You can bet I’m taking advantage of every second she wants to stay trapped in her room with me. I’m in the kitchen getting us a couple glasses of water. On my walk back to her room, I catch sight of a green Ducks hoodie draped over the back of the couch.

My alma mater.

I don’t know why it hadn’t occurred to me that she and Maci arethatclose, but seeing her things in a space they share hits me weirdly. It’s like a dark, ominous cloud is forming, waiting to drench me if I handle the situation incorrectly, like I somehow did with Emily.

I hand Lexy a glass, and she thanks me before taking a sip and reaching her hand out for me. I don’t want to ruin this day, but this will eat away at me if I don’t tell her, so I might as well get it over with.

“Is that Maci’s sweatshirt in the living room?”

She looks at me, confused, until she places it in her head. “Oh, yeah. All her stuff is still here while she’s gone. It’s like having a sister. I can steal her clothes.” She smiles at the thought and tugs on my arm until I climb onto the bed with her. She’s only in a plain black bra and black sleep shorts, and it’s hard to not be distracted.

“Have you said anything to her yet, about me?” I attempt to keep my mind on track.

“Umm, no? In case you forgot, I wasn’t tellingyouuntil five hours ago. Why…”

“I was thinking maybe we should say something to her.”

“I mean, I’m sure it’ll come up eventually.” She shrugs.

“I know, but–”

“Troy, we both slept with each other’s best friend. Let’s call it even and not worry about it.”

“It’s not that. I’m trying to date you, and Maci is your best friend. I’d like to have a good relationship with her too. That isn’t going to happen if ours starts as a secret.”