Okay, I hoped for something a little more scandalous than that, but it’s a start.

Before I can respond, Maci spins on her heel so fast she nearly falls over. Huh. Nothing has pulled her attention that quickly lately. She’s gone pale and looks like she’s seen a ghost.

The guy starts to speak again, and my gaze is instantly drawn back to the sweet sound of his voice. “Hey, I’m…”

Even though I’m staring right at his lips, it’s my best friend’s voice I hear match up with them.


My eyes dart to hers. “Troy... like Troy? Math class Troy? Troy who lives in Oregon, Troy?”

She mumbles confirmation to me. Okay, this is weird. I never saw a picture of the guy, and he’s not what I expected at all. I guess I assumed she had a type and that he’d look more like Mack. She told me about this guy who took her on a date that honestly sounded like something I would have loved. It was spontaneous, and he seemed sweet. Then he ghosted her, and outside of a few coincidental and short run-ins, never talked to her again. I only know about him because when she was moving into my place she showed me a letter she had gotten from him explaining why he totally bailed on her–something about being heartbroken and not wanting her to be a rebound or something. I almost thought it was considerate, but I was more focused on being proved right once again about the dangers of love.

I’m not someone who feels uncomfortable easily, but this silence is awkward, and I need it to stop. Maci probably needs a moment, and I sure as hell need one to clear my head of the thoughts I was having about this guy a minute ago, ones that no longer feel appropriate. “Yes, please.” I motion to the table, answering his initial question about cleaning it for us.

Somehow we ended up in Las Vegas. I mean, I know how–a combination of it being “yes weekend,” and my attempt to shake this pull I felt toward a guy I hardly said a handful of words to. I hate being fake, but that is exactly what I was as I feigned excitement about this freak encounter between my best friend and her ex-whatever. Even though they never dated, it feels like I’d be breaking some sort of girl code–something I’ve never had experience with since I’ve never had a real girl friend. I remind myself I’m plenty capable of getting any of my needs met, either on my own, or with a different guy.

Each time Troy came back to the table, however, I realized shaking the thoughts about him running his hands all over my body wasn’t going to be as easy as I hoped. My solution for this problem happens to be one that might help Maci too. I pushed her toward Troy and us getting away with him and his friend in Sin City. Of course I’m still hopeful she and Mack will get back together, but she’s not currently into that idea. Maybe a fling with Troy will help shake her from her mood while simultaneously making him off limits in my mind. Win, win.

Last night was a blast. We went home from the bar to pack and then headed straight to Vegas. We wanted to get the lay of the land and have an adventure, just us, before we met up with the boys. It did not disappoint. Hands down, last night was one of the most fun nights I’ve ever had. It was more than enough to distract me from the worry in the back of my mind that I’m lusting for someone I shouldn’t.

I stare into the casino bathroom mirror at my best friend. She’s wearing my royal blue dress. Even though we are almost identical in 5’6” height and athletic build, my dress looks like it was made specifically for Maci. It’s short, with a slit that runs up the side and shows off her perfectly toned legs from all the running she’s been doing lately. It reveals just enough of her boobs to be classy and seductive at the same time. I know it makes her a little uncomfortable, but she looks like a total babe standing there twirling a few more curls into her shoulder length chocolate brown hair. I smile, thinking about how thankful I am to have her in my life, before looking at my own reflection.

Personally, I think I look just as good. I’m not conceited by any means, but the only positive thing my mother blessed me with was her good looks. While I would never openly give her the satisfaction or credit, I also refuse to take my good fortune for granted. I have on a simple strapless black dress that hugs my curves in all the right places. After playing softball through middle and high school, there isn’t even a chance Maci will ever convince me to go for a run with her. But I do go to Soul Cycle five times a week. It's kind of what women do in Hollywood. Either that or pilates. I’m not usually one to follow the crowd, but I love it. There’s something about the intensity that comes from within a dark room and music so loud you can feel it in your soul that helps me get out of my own head. Not to mention, it’s what keeps this dress looking this good.

I swipe dark red gloss over my lips before stealing the curling iron back from Maci, correcting a straight blonde hair before we go meet up with the guys. Troy sent a text earlier asking us to meet them at a speakeasy inside the Cosmopolitan hotel. He’s bringing a friend who Maci is fairly confident will be a great guy because she trusts Troy enough to keep good company. I’ve been telling myself the same, in between prayers that it’s true. I’m pretty good at convincing other people I’m fun and spontaneous, but I typically have a secret plan for everything and how I want it to go. I like feeling in control since I spent so much of my life out of it.

My plan for this weekend is to get Troy out of my head and into Maci’s. That probably seems a little twisted, which is exactly why it's a secret plan. Sometimes I feel like my crazy ideas will only ever make sense to me. My logic is that Maci will either relax for the first time in a month and her heartbreak will fade a little more, or even better, she’ll realize how much she misses Mack. Selfishly I’m hoping for the latter because I love my two best friends together. Despite what she revealed to me earlier about their struggles while Mack was on tour, I’m convinced they’ll find their way back to each other once Maci fulfills her need to figure out who she is and what she wants outside of a relationship. Either way, if she and Troy have a great time, maybe I’ll actually see him as off limits. If he brings a friend even half as hot as he is, it’ll be even easier to distract myself.

We finally find the hidden speakeasy, and I push through the door with more force than I intended. I’m both anxious to either get this night over with or magically be overcome by an attraction to Troy’s friend. I’m not looking for a boyfriend, but sometimes a girl needs a man’s touch. Thankfully, this city screams sex.


The hotel room door clicks as the girls leave, their whispers fading with them. I fall back onto the bed, noting Nolan still asleep on the other one. Fuck that was a fun night. I can’t say I could have ever predicted I’d end up in bed with Maci–and in Vegas no less–but I’d be lying if I said I never thought about it.

As much fun as it was, it’ll never happen again. It was bad timing for me when I met her in Oregon and bad timing for her when we stumbled into each other here. But both of us know that even if the timing were better, we wouldn’t be right for each other anyway. Maci is great, and if we run into each other again, I’m down to be friends. We just don’t have that chemistry, and even if our roles weren’t reversed this time around and she wasn’t the one getting over a relationship, I’m confident she feels the same. This was meant to be fun–the once is enough kind of fun.

It became evident to me last night I’ve come a long fucking way this past year. Maci and I communicated like adults about what we wanted–what a fucking concept. More than that, I actually trusted her intentions. While I don’t have any desire for anything more with her, I have realized I do eventually want more with the right person. It was only one date, but last night showed me I’m ready for what it’s going to take to be in a relationship again. Maybe the real reason Maci came back into my life was to help me realize I’ve been punishing myself long enough.



Twomonthslater(NewYear's Eve)

Reaching for my red, heart-shaped sunglasses I left in Maci’s car, I catch Mack’s black Jeep Wrangler pull up in front of the apartment. He’s already taken the soft top off in preparation for our weekly beach day. I press the manual lock down before slamming the door shut and turn to find Mack has reached across the seat and pushed his passenger door open for me. I slide onto the black leather, turning toward my best friend.

“Hi…iiii” My peppy greeting fades away with hesitation. I follow his flat expression and gaze to where he's staring at the dusty red Corolla. I reach over, my hand landing on his shoulder where his baseball shirt splits between black and gray. “It’s just her car, Mack.” I squeeze his shoulder before letting go. He rubs his hands up his face before taking off his signature black backward hat. His dark brown hair is a tad longer than usual, and I know it’s because he’s been distracted lately. He readjusts his hat before turning to look at me, pain evident in his emerald green eyes.

I’ve known Mack for over two years. Even though I’ve always lived around Hollywood, I’m not close with anyone from any stage of my life here. Everyone has always seemed fake, pretending to be someone they aren’t just to fit in or be loved. I refuse to act like that or associate myself with people who aren’t genuine. When Mack moved here from Oregon with his band, he was like a breath of fresh air. He was the first and only artist at Shot in the Dark, the venue where I bartend, to speak to me about more than a drink. I was getting my ass kicked on his first night–a rare occurrence of me being overwhelmed–and he wouldn’t take no for an answer when he offered to help. He pulled me out of my bad mood that night, and he’s been stuck with me ever since.

I saw that first night the excitement he had for his band's newly secured residency was palpable. It shined through him, brightening whatever space he was in. Even though he was hopeful for his opportunity in California, he’s never been naive to the realities of the music industry or idealized this place the way so many people do. Immediately, I could tell something in him had been hardened from his past, and it balanced him somewhere between optimistic and vigilant. We quickly connected on that understanding of life. Until Maci moved here, I considered him not just my best friend but my only true one. Luckily, I still have both of them even if they aren’t dating.

He sighs. “It’s not the car. Today was her last day of volunteer work in Costa Rica. Iknewshe was going to stay out there longer, but part of me still hoped she’d change her mind.”

“It’s okay that you miss her, Mack. I miss her too.” I confide in him even though voicing any kind of emotional feelings are rare for me. He needs my wall down more than I need it up right now.

“That’s different. You don’t have to worry about losing her.”