Page 28 of Hunted

Clint had been so incredibly kind and decent to them, keeping them safe when they’d needed his protection the most. Maybe that was why she was hesitating to leave him. It wasn’t like she was going away forever. Just for a few weeks. But neither of them had suggested seeing each other when she returned. Her chest ached and her gut felt tied in knots, probably the result of stress and left-over adrenaline, along with some emotions running seriously high.

She sighed, watching more happy couples and happy families around her. They only served to remind her what a mess she’d made of her own life. She’d tried so hard not to screw things up for her son, and yet it seemed that was exactly what she’d done. Months ago, back when it had been just her and Thomas before Mike had been paroled, she’d considered herself happy. She’d been making her way in the world, doing well at her job and bringing up Thomas the best she could.

But then she’d met Clint and spent time with him in his home, almost like a real family, and she’d realized that what she’d considered happiness before paled in comparison to what it felt like being with Clint. Having him there, as a partner and a friend, showed her that loving, respectful relationships were possible between men and women. Showed her how lovely thing could be with someone in her life.

Well, crap.

Was she just hiding from reality again, as she’d done with Mike when she’d thought he was a better person than he was? She’d refused to see Mike for what he was until she was in deep with him. She was older and wiser now, more in tune with herself and her desires. And Clint was nothing like Mike. He was real and honest, but was it worth taking a chance on staying hereand finding out what they could have? Inside her, everything felt discombobulated and disconnected, in complete disarray.

When she closed her eyes, though, and centered on one thing—Clint—all the pieces came together. A sense of calm and resolve came over her. Suddenly going home to Puerto Rico sounded like the worst idea in the world. She wanted to see her mother and grandparents again, yes, but this was her home. She could go to Puerto Rico later, for a visit, when she was happy and perhaps with Clint in tow, if he’d have her and Thomas back in his life. She was determined to find out if he would. She had to. She owed herself that.

“Change of plans, sweet boy,” she said to Thomas, and strapped him in his stroller.

She gathered up their things, took the handle of Thomas’s stroller with one hand and grabbed the handle of her suitcase with the other before heading back down the concourse toward the security checkpoint.

“Attention Air Carib passengers. Flight 3560 for San Juan, Puerto Rico now boarding at Gate 7E,” the announcer said over the PA system overhead. “Repeating. Air Carib flight 3560 for San Juan now boarding all rows, all passengers at Gate 7E. Thank you.”

Leila’s heart thudded in her chest as she continued forward, away from her plane and toward whatever might happen with Clint. Even if he didn’t want her and Thomas, even if he chose to remain alone, she wasn’t ready to leave her life here behind. The police had assured her that Mike and his gang were no longer a threat to her, and she believed them this time. She could start fresh here. Build a new life, a better life, the one she’d always dreamed of. Hopefully, with Clint as a part of it.

She’d just about reached the end of the concourse when she heard a familiar deep voice call to her from behind the security checkpoint. Her pulse pounded loud in her ears and her throat dried.

Time slowed as she approached him. Thomas started shouting from his stroller. “Sint! Sint!”

He was here at the airport. Had he come back for her? She felt a surge of hope, but she wouldn’t let herself trust it yet.


Clint felt out of breath, hot and bothered, but wasn’t sure if it was because of the gorgeous woman and her child in front of him or the fact that he’d raced to get here. After driving at top speed and sprinting into the airport from the parking garage, he’d spent the past ten minutes begging the TSA agent to let him through without a boarding pass. He’d gotten a firm no and had been feeling desperate when he’d spotted her.

Leila stopped, standing there, separated by that damned yellow tape of the security lines, looking like his every fantasy come to life. Her dark hair rippled over her shoulders in messy waves and there were slight shadows under her eyes, but she was there and that’s what mattered.

He swallowed hard then said, “Hey.”

Smooth move, idiot.

“Don’t move.” He retreated as fast as he could through the security line and went to her.

“Hi, Clint,” she said when he was in front of her. Her expression was guarded, but she’d been leaving the gate area rather than boarding her flight. That had to mean something. “What are you doing here?”

“I…uh.” He felt tongue-tied and twisted in the worst possible way but somehow managed to get the words out. “I didn’t want to leave things like we did. I thought you should know some things. About me. About us.”

She kept her dark gaze on him as another announcement echoed overhead. “Passengers for Air Carib flight 3560 to San Juan, Puerto Rico, please board at Gate 7E.”

His heart battered against his ribcage and his throat felt tight as a fist.

Tell her, dumbass. Tell her before it’s too late.

But too many years of isolation took their toll and those old walls he’d built around his heart didn’t come tumbling down so easily. Instead of dropping to his knees and begging her to stay like he should have, he proceeded with more caution. “That’s your flight, isn’t it? Do you need to get going?”

“I thought you had things to tell me first,” Leila said, her beautiful lips trembled slightly as she spoke. “What do you need to say, Clint?”

“Right. Yeah.” He wiped his damp palms on his jeans and prayed for eloquence. “Listen. I know you think going back home with your mother is the right choice for you and Thomas, but what if it’s not?”

“Are you suggesting a better alternative?” she asked. And there it was, that same hint of yearning he’d seen earlier when he’ddropped her off. A spark of hope lit within him, spurring Clint on with his confession.

“I am.” He took a deep breath and squared his shoulder, determined to see this through no matter how fear was shredding him up inside. Just because everyone else in his past had been temporary didn’t mean this woman had to be. “Everything you need is right here in Vegas. A job you love. A home for you and Thomas. A man who…a man who loves you and will protect you no matter what.”

The words hung between them as she just blinked at him.