Page 90 of Meet Me in Aveline

Megan chimed in next. “And she’s blind in one eye. She never saw it coming!”

“Duke humped my niece’s stuffed pig! We got it from Disney World!Disney World!” Peter yelled from the back.

Mr. Fitzgerald rolled his eyes. “Okay, please, please!” He hit his gavel on the podium. “Settle down.”

Lettie leaned over and whispered to me, “I was there the day Duke got loose and humped the pig. It was not pretty. The dog pulled a Bethoveen after his humping session and took off running with the stuffed animal in his mouth.”

I stifled back a laugh. “Did the girl get her pig back?”

Lettie grimaced. “Ew, no, wouldyouwant it?”

She had a good point.

Mr. Fitzgerald began speaking again, his voice elevated over all the scattered whispering. “Quiet down! Before we attack Henry and Duke, we have business to discuss.” Mr. Fitzgerald took out his moon-shaped glasses from the front pocket of his shirt and placed them on the bridge of his nose. They sat low, and he squinted reading the notes in front of him. “Let’s see here… We have another anonymous petition to get rid of the Halloween costume contest.”

Lettie leaned over again, taking a sip of her Coke. “Oh, that one is Peter. He’s never won, and he’s super salty about it. Although, I don’t know why he thinks he should have this year. Ruby went dressed as Regina Georgeaftershe got hit by the bus.”

She faced the front again as Mr. Fitzgerald continued talking. “Okay so we’re opposed to that. Sorry Peter, not gonna happen.”

So much for anonymous.

“Next…” He read the page and shook his head, placing his fingers at his temples and rubbing. “Barty, now how many times do we have to say no?”

Lettie giggled, chewing on her straw. “He probably made a motion to change the welcome sign to ‘Don’t come to Aveline.’” I watched her sink back into her chair, clearly enjoying herself.

“We won’t change the sign, and that’s that.” Mr. Fitzgerald licked his finger before turning the page.

“Told ya.” Lettie snickered.

Mr. Fitzgerald closed his notebook and took off his glasses. “Now, onto Henry and Millie…”

After one hour and twenty-seven minutes, and despite the incessant denial from Henry Pearson, Duke was found guilty by the townspeople of Aveline for having impregnated Little Debbie.

What did this mean for Henry and Duke?

Nothing more than Henry swearing to make a better attempt to keep Duke fenced in his own backyard and away from the lady dogs of the town.

But what did this mean for Millie?

The satisfaction of being right.




It had beentwo weeks since Lenora’s stroke, and Tuck was managing the bakery as though she had never left. Everything was running smoothly, and all the citizens of Aveline had been happy to know that they would still have fresh bread and pastries every morning.

None of that grocery store garbage for them.

Lenora was home and back to her normal and sweet self, despite her slow recovery. She had weakness in her left side, her hand was unable to grasp objects, and she had trouble finding words sometimes, but her spirit had remained untouched.

Tuck and I brought a lasagna dinner over one evening with homemade garlic knots and sat down to dinner with Teddy and Lenora. Tuck had officially been invited to Tuesday evening dinners.

Lenora took a bite of her garlic knot, chewing slowly. “These are really good, Tuck.”

I scoffed, “Hey! How do you know that I didn’t make them?”