Page 46 of Meet Me in Aveline

It was amazing the way the clinic could completely transform my entire mood. I could see the sleek waiting room furniture and the framed pictures of dogs and cats and the occasional reptile on the wall, and a smile spread across my face. There was nothing I wanted more than to work in a clinic like this, and maybe even to have my own someday.

All it was going to take was convincing my parents that I didn’t want to live the life they had planned for me.

Easy peasy lemon squeezy.



It would be as easy as brushing an alligator’s teeth.

“Good. Teddy is ready for you in Exam Room One, and I have half a notion that Mr. Louie in there is having a pretty bad morning too.”

After my shift at the pet clinic, I walked over to the bakery to find Tuck. I was feeling better. Just the air in Aveline made me feel like I was in a whole different world—one that was lighter, softer, and more relaxed.

I walked in through the door and listened to the chime that announced my entrance. Tuck looked up from the register and his eyes grew wide before he winked at me.

I melted. I melted into a puddle like butter onto the bakery floor.

How was it possible that he was so attractive? Looking that good in an apron should have been illegal. Most people looked like middle-aged mothers in an apron. But Tuck? He looked like he could have been featured on a GQ magazine wearing nothingbutthe apron.

And my mind had officially wandered into a place that made me blush so hard, my face was as red as my hair.

He took said apron off and hung it up on the hooks before running out to me and picking me up, nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck.

“Ahh,” he said as he sniffed me playfully. “Vanilla, my favorite.”

I giggled as he kissed my chin. “That’s why I wear it.”

“Did you get my letter?” he asked as we walked out of the bakery and toward Green Gables.

“I did,” I replied. “And have you really never read or seenThe Notebook?”

Tuck shrugged. “Surprisingly, I don’t spend my free time gushing over girly romance books and chick flicks.”

I rolled my eyes. “Hmm… I guess I’ll just have to read it to you and then we can watch the movie.”

Tuck grimaced slightly. “Mmm, I don’t know if love stories are really my thing. I’m more of a James Patterson kind of guy.”

I bit the inside of my cheek and squinted my eyes. “We can kiss every time they kiss in the book.” I raised my eyebrows, and Tuck took my hand in his.

“Do they kiss a lot?”

I bit my lower lip. “You’ll just have to wait and see.”

“Okay then, I’m in. But only for the kissing, just so you know.”

I looked up at him and kissed him quickly before breaking free from his hand. “I’m totally telling everyone that you begged me to watch it!”

Then I took off running, fully intending to let him catch me.

After we’d settled into what I had deemed “our room” in Green Gables, we’d spent a full thirty minutes just kissing. He was good at it, not that I would know, but I was certain he was better than anyone else at kissing. I wondered how many people he had done this, or more, with and I pulled away, my lips red and throbbing.

“Have you kissed a lot of girls?” I asked abruptly. “I mean, like, do you just go around kissing anyone with lips?”

Tuck chuckled. “Umm, I wouldn’t say I do that, no.”

“But, like, how many people? Ten?” He made a certain face I couldn’t read, and I gasped and placed my hand to my chest. “Twenty?”