"What the fuck is going on," I demand of the unruffled sheets.

They don't answer.

I walk over to her sleek desk, running my fingers along its smooth surface. It's devoid of any clutter, a testament to her disciplined nature. That's how I take immediate notice of the stray slip of paper, and her scribbled handwriting.


Stop worrying about me.I'm just doing my job, which is to protect you and not, as you three would have it, be protected by you. You were right when you said it's time for this to end: for Debbie to be stopped. Not that you are going to be the ones to stop her. Stay put.


P.S:I'm in charge.

Anger floodsmy veins as I come to the undeniable conclusion that she's gone off to face BioCore's traitor on her own. Does she not trust that we will protect her? That we will be there for her?

My mind races, desperately searching for an explanation. Why would Charlie take such a dangerous risk? We've always been a team, a family bound by loyalty and an unbreakable bond. But now, in this moment, it feels like she's betrayed us, left us behind without a second thought.

I try to push back the rising tide of anger, reminding myself that Charlie is strong, fiercely independent. She's proven that she can handle herself in the face of danger. But this is different. It isn't some sparring session in the gym. This time, the stakes are higher than ever before.

I pace back and forth in her empty room, running my fingers through my hair in frustration. The silence is deafening, suffocating me with its weight.

With determination fueling my every step, I storm out of Charlie's room and head back towards Leo's bedroom. Where she should be, wrapped in the safety of our arms. Not venturing into what could very well be her deathbed. Who knows what Debbie is capable of? And she certainly isn't working alone. Does Charlie realize that? Does she even care?

I burst into Leo's bedroom, my heart pounding in my chest. The room is dimly lit, the curtains drawn tight, creating an atmosphere of gloom that matches the unease churning inside me. I flip the lights on, their harsh glow illuminating the disheveled space.

Leo groans in protest, shielding his eyes from the sudden brightness. "What the hell, man?" he grumbles, his voice thick with sleep.

"Get up!" I demand, my voice laced with urgency.

Jackson sits up, his messy hair sticking up in all directions as he rubs his eyes. "Stop fucking yelling," he grumbles.

"Shut up! Can't you see we're trying to sleep?" Leo groans, his voice laced with annoyance.

"She's gone," I say through gritted teeth, my frustration boiling over.

They still can't seem to get the words through their thick skulls. Jackson rolls his eyes and flops back into the mattress. Leo follows suit, tugging the blanket up and over his head.

"Get up, both of you!" I demand again, yanking the comforter off the bed entirely.

Leo jumps out of bed, his usual hot-headed behavior coming out for show. "Caleb, what the fuck are you doing? Have you lost your damn mind?"

Jackson glares over at both of us. "Be quiet. You're going to wake Charlie up," he hisses.

I snort and shoot back, "Kind of hard to do when she isn't here."

"What are you talking about-" Leo cuts himself off when he realizes that Charlie is, indeed, not in the bed. "Where is she, then?"

I shove the already crumpled paper against his chest. "She's gone," I tell them. "She went after them. Alone."



"No turning back, now."

At least, that's what I'm trying to convince myself. I want nothing more than to turn my muscular little ass around and run back into the arms of my three lovers. Three! I'm crazy... all of this is crazy!

"And yet that doesn't make it any less true."