Leo is the first to notice me standing in the doorway. His eyes widen with concern as he rises from his seat and crosses the room in swift strides. Without hesitation, he envelops me in a warm embrace, his touch reassuring and comforting.
"What's wrong?" Leo asks gently, his voice filled with genuine warmth and concern.
Rather than speaking, I hand him the phone with the message still displayed. His eyes darken.
"What is it?" Jackson asks, taking it from him and looking it over with Caleb.
Leo grits his teeth angrily. "That's it. I'm gonna find that bitch and make her talk."
"No!" I command. "Leo, no, you'd only put yourself in danger."
Leo pulls away from the embrace, his eyes burning with determination. "I don't care," he declares, his voice filled with steel. "I'm tired of waiting. Debbie has gotten away with everything for long enough. We can't let her intimidate us anymore."
Caleb chimes in, his voice resonating with agreement. "Leo's right. We'll just have to make the evidence we already have enough. We won't stand for you being threatened like this."
I look between Leo and Caleb, my heart torn between their fierce loyalty and my own instinct for self-preservation. Taking a deep breath, I gather my thoughts and brace myself for the argument that is about to unfold.
"No. You aren't going to rush in all halfcocked just because of some stupid message," I say with finality.
Jackson thrusts the phone in front of me. "It's not some message. It's someone threatening your life. Probably Debbie herself."
I snatch the phone and cross my arms, scowling my best scowl. "I said no!"
"You're not in charge," they all shout back.
"Why don't any of you understand?" Charlie bursts in a passionate show of frustration.
I don't know about Jackson or Caleb, but my stomach drops and twists uncomfortably when I recognize the shimmer in her eyes as unshed tears. Charlie, crying? It just doesn't happen... Angry? Sure. Maybe even furious, passionate, or livid. But... to see her crying, or even fighting it as obviously as she is now? It strikes something in me.
"Understand what?" I ask, taking care to make sure that my tone is gentle.
Caleb reaches toward her but she shrinks away from his touch. "Charlie-"
"No!" she shouts, causing a few tears to slip away and carve sorrowful paths down her cheeks.
In that moment, my heart aches, witnessing the pain etched across her face. I can no longer hold back the torrent of emotions within me, a mix of anger and protectiveness surging through my veins. How could anyone have hurt her like this? Who else is responsible for the BioCore leaks? I swear, I'll find every last one and make them pay for this. Anger begins to simmer beneath the surface, my frustration fueling my determination to find those responsible.
Tears spill down her cheeks, and her shoulders shake with sobs. Caleb reaches out to comfort her, but she flinches away again, shaking her head. "Why does no one ever protect me like this?" she cries, her words muffled by tears and frustration.
"What are you talking about, Charlie?" Caleb asks, just as confused as Jackson and I.
I watch as Charlie takes a deep breath, her tear-streaked face contorted in anguish. She locks eyes with me, her voice trembling with raw vulnerability. "I've never had anyone fight for me, to protect me. Everyone I've ever known has let me down, abandoned me when I needed them the most."
Her words hang heavy in the air, the weight of her past crashing against my chest. I feel a surge of protectiveness welling up inside me, an instinctive response to shield her from any harm that may come her way. It's as if a switch has been flipped within me, and suddenly, my sole purpose becomes ensuring her safety and happiness.
In that moment, all thoughts of finding the culprits behind the BioCore leaks fade away. The only thing that matters is Charlie's well-being. I step forward, closing the distance between us and gently take her trembling hand in mine. "Oh, Charlie," I say softly, my voice filled with sincerity.
"I've never had anyone fight for me," she whispers, her voice fragile yet resolute. "It's always been me against the world."
Finally, she lets Caleb step up to her and tilt her head back by her chin. "Maybe it's time you let us in, beautiful."