I continue, delving into the realm of wondrous details, my words painting a vivid picture of the security measures we need to put in place. "Additionally," I say, my voice filled with determination, "we should consider implementing a biometric scanning system alongside the ID number. This will add an extra layer of security, ensuring that only authorized personnel can access sensitive information."

As I speak, I notice Caleb's eyes light up with excitement. "Brilliant," he interjects. "Biometrics would indeed make it almost impossible for outsiders to get into the database."

Jackson leans forward, his expression thoughtful. "I agree," he says, his voice filled with determination. "But the concern isn't with outsiders. It's someone who's already on the inside."

"But," Leo jumps in before I can, "with the additional forms of ID, we'll be able to control who has access to what information--and therefore we'll be able to track the leaked information back to those who have access to it."

"Exactly," I confirm, feeling a thrill of satisfaction at their enthusiasm.

"This... This is some smart shit," Jackson says through a chuckle. Leaning across the table, he cups my chin and places a kiss smack on my lips. "Good job, baby."

A flutter echoes in the pit on my stomach. "T-thank you."

Mischief gleams in his eye. "For the kiss?"

"No," I scold, blushing deeper. "For believing in me.

Caleb, who had come around to sit on my side of the table, grabs my hand and kisses it. "That's what we're here for, Charlie."

I smile, feeling a warmth spread through me at Caleb's words. This was what I had hoped for when I first stumbled upon the connection we shared. A team that believed in me, that supported me, and together we could achieve greatness.

Leo clears his throat, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "Alright, lovebirds. Let's not get too distracted from the task at hand," he says before turning back to me. "Charlie, I have to say, your proposal is impressive. But let's take it a step further. We should also implement regular security audits and penetration testing of our systems to ensure they remain secure against potential threats."

I nod enthusiastically, my mind already racing with ideas to tighten our security measures even further. "Absolutely," I reply. "We can set up an internal team dedicated to constantly monitoring and assessing our systems for vulnerabilities."

Jackson smirks, his gaze filled with appreciation. "I like the way you think," he remarks.

As we delve further into the details of the security plan, the atmosphere in the room shifts. We are no longer just colleagues, but a team united by a common purpose. Ideas bounce back and forth, each suggestion building upon the last, until we have crafted a comprehensive strategy to safeguard BioCore's valuable information.

"I think this really will work," I murmur.

Caleb chuckles beside me, his fingers interlaced with mine. "Well, it looks like we make one hell of a team," he remarks, his voice laced with affection.

A team. I like that.



"Who is it?" calls a sweet, husky voice from the inside of her bedroom.

"Leo," I answer.

There are a few soft thuds before the door swings open to reveal Charlie in nothing more than shorts and a thin chemise. Her cheeks are flushed, but there's a light to her eyes. She smiles beautifully.

"Good morning, Leo," she coos.

"Good morning," I murmur back. "Care for a swim?"

Her smile widens even more. "I'd love to, just let me get ready."

"Need any help?" I tease, though I can't keep the hopefulness out of my tone.

She gives me a playfully scolding look, says, "No, thank you Mr. Thompson," and shuts the door.

I head back to my room to grab my swim shorts before getting over to the pool as fast as I can. Still, somehow, she's there before me taking long strokes from one side of the pool to the other.

Fuck, she's beautiful.