"Well, we aren't really interested in sharing where our little friend is on live television," Leo muses, raising his brow at the host. "I'm sure you can understand that."
The adrenaline was coursing through my veins, an electrical storm of excitement, and a subtle thrill. It was as if I had been stripped of everything else in this world, and all that remained was the hunt. Except I'm not hunting the mole, I'm hunting the idiots who thought it would be smart to put themselves on live television after being attacked.
The host chuckles, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Is it possible that they're watching us right now?"
Caleb's grin is enough to set the studio ablaze, the fire in his eyes illuminating the room. "I hope they're watching. I hope they can't take their eyes off of us."
I want to scream and cry and punch something.
As I approach the towering building that houses the bustling studio, I slow my pace, carefully calculating my next move. The entrance is guarded by burly security personnel and barricades, throngs of excited fans clamoring for a glimpse of their favorite CEOs. Who knew those three buffoons were actually this popular? But I can't afford to be deterred by obstacles—nothing will stand between me and the guys.
I walk right up, waiting for them to notice me and step into my path.
"Stop," one of them says.
I roll my eyes, fishing my ID out. "Listen, I really don't have time for this. I'm the BioCore bodyguard. You know, the one they were just talking about?"
He pauses for a second, processing my words before a knowing smile spreads across his face. "You're that guy?"
I scowl, thrusting the ID at him. "No, I'm that girl. And I need to get up there. Now."
His smile fades on account of my hostility. He snatches the plastic card from between my fingers. He examines it carefully, holding it up to the light as if searching for a hidden message. With a sigh of resignation, he turns to his colleagues, discussing the situation in hushed voices. I stand there, willing myself not to fidget, but as the seconds tick by all the tension in my body threatens to break through.
Just then, the sound of gasping echoes through my phone's speakers. I yank it out of my pocket in a panic, fumbling to get a look at whatever's going on. My heart leaps into my throat as the look on the faces of the guys reveals a sight that poor words can't even begin to describe. The horror and terror etched into their expressions pierces my soul.
The commotion of the audience grows louder, almost deafening. Footsteps can be heard moving towards the stage. The cameras zoom in on the culprit as they approach, but the feed is blurry. Who is it?Who is it!
The host's voice is entirely uncomfortable now. "Excuse me, you need to go back to your seat."
The person starts to speak, but without a microphone no one can hear what they're saying.
"Oh, screw it!"
I shove past the guards and bolt into the building, checking the tracker for the right floor. The shouts of the guards follow closely behind but I don't bother giving them a glance.
"Move!" I scream, vaulting the steps. "Get out of the fucking way!"
"Excuse me," Will stutters, standing up behind his desk, "you need to go back to your seat."
I squint my eyes, leaning forward to try to get a glimpse of whoever it is through the blinding lights.
"Did you really think planning something like this last minute would keep me in the dark?" the familiar voice asks mockingly.
On the other side of Leo, Jackson sits straighter and his eyes narrow infinitesimally. "Ah, Debbie. So glad you could make it."
Debbie. She's here. But... how the hell could she have known?
She snickers humorlessly. "Yes, I'm sure you are. And it seems you also neglected to invite your pretty little bodyguard."
My entire body fills with a tension so stiff that I could snap in two. If Debbie is here, who the hell is Charlie going after?
"You know, I hired her to distract the three of you," she pauses and scoffs, walking closer like a bright blur. "I never thought she'd be the one to figure anything out."
Wait, she hired Charlie to distract us? Nevermind that it actually kind of worked. What the hell? Charlie isn't some plaything, something she'd made very clear to all three of us.