"Again," he said again and I pressed my teeth together before pressing the on button.

I repeated everything Kit had already taught me and then I tried to put the car into park by gently pressing the break.

"Good," he said and I smiled, feeling proud of myself.

"Okay, let's step it up. Start again in first gear and when you're driving I want you to pick up the speed slightly by pressing the accelerator then take it into second gear. You'll do that by pressing the clutch down and moving your gear stick into second."

I nodded and got to it. Again, I stalled and I growled in frustration.

"What the actual fuck," I cursed.

"You're taking your foot off too quickly," Kit said as I tried again and stalled.

"Maybe I wouldn't keep stalling if you weren't breathing down my neck!"

Kit shook his head. "Try again."

"No." That was it. I wasn't good at this.

"You can't just give up Eves. Try again."

"Fine!" I said staring at him.

The more wound up I got the worse I got. I got so frustrated but carried on anyway. I finally got to second gear and it felt frickin' amazing but out of the corner of my eye, a deer ran out of the trees and directly in front of the car. I squealed and reacted too quickly, pressing my foot onto the brake. It wouldn't have been a problem but I swerved on the wet ground. The car skidded across the ground, then Kit reached over to control the wheel. He was so collected and reached his other arm for the handbrake. With the control he had on the wheel, and his perfect timing, he brought the car to a harsh stop before we skidded into the grass verge. I breathed heavily and placed my hand on my stomach.

"God, are you okay?"

When I didn't answer he reached for my leg. I nodded and Kit checked my face before opening his car door and getting out. I took a deep breath once he was gone. He was checking the car over and as I saw him passing in the headlights my adrenaline lessened dramatically, allowing a sob to break free from within me. Once the adrenaline and fear had settled, my hormones had replaced it, making me cry. Once Kit got back in the car I tried to conceal it, quickly wiping my face clean. I looked to the side and out of the window so he couldn't see me, but it was useless.

"Aw, Eves, baby, I'm so sorry."

"I'm fine," I said waving him away with my arm.

"You're not," he said unbuckling my seatbelt and making me face him.

"Come here," he said and I looked over at him before eventually climbing out of my seat and over the centre console and onto his lap.

He looked at my face and then held my head against his chest.

"I'm sorry, I got carried away," he said against my forehead and I could feel him shaking his head at himself.

He made me look at him again so he could kiss me, and he did it so gently. The sensation I felt from kissing his soft and full lips ignited something inside of me and I wasn't sure if it was just my body reacting to the adrenaline but I needed to get off of him. When I tried to move, he held me there and frowned at me.

"What?" he asked and I shook my head.

"Nothing," I lied.

"Tell me," he said before kissing my shoulder.

I knew he'd meant it lovingly, to calm me down after the accident. Instead, it ignited my insides and my body trembled under the touch. He slowly lifted his lips away from my delicate skin and looked at me as if he now understood. His eyes were staring into mine until he brought his lips back to my shoulder. There, he kissed up to my neck and I laid my head back as his hands moved to my breasts where he gently started to caress.

"We're in a car, Eves," he reminded me very seductively.

He wasn't telling me that we needed to stop. Instead, he moved his hand away from my breasts and slid it down the front of my skinnies until he found the spot aching for his touch.

"Eves, you're soaked."

I hummed against the touch and rocked there against his finger brushing at my clit.