"What? So why aren't you gettingthisdress?"

"Because I'm buying my own," I said sternly before opening the curtain.

"Shit, you get dressed quickly."

Smiling, I picked up my bag from the floor and pulled the long strap up my shoulder and over my head so it sat like a seatbelt over my chest.

"You could have that dress if you'd just let him pay," she said following after me out of the changing room.

"I've already been ripped of my independence, Lil'," I said, stopping and turning around to face her.

I made sure to speak quietly so passers-by wouldn't hear.

"I'm holding onto any independence I have left. I'm buying myowndress."

Lilly understood, I could see it in her face and she waited a bit and then looked back at me.

"Can't you be independent in that beautiful dress?"

I couldn't help but smile.

"You just wanna do my hair and make-up to match that dress."

"Can you blame me?" she grinned, following me out of the shop.

Phil And Bob made sure to follow after us. Dress shopping would have to wait for another day because I was exhausted after searching every shop in Hull city centre. I could see they were bored out of their minds.

Later that day,I sat in Kit's bedroom waiting for my grandparents to call. After telling them about my fainting episode they wanted to catch the first flight home but I made sure they didn't. As I waited, I ran my hand over my stomach.

"Hey, baby," I said, smiling down at my stomach.

Shortly after my phone rang and I picked it up to talk to my grandma. They were having a great time, at least, it seemed that way until I'd updated them on my recent visit to the hospital. Part of me wished I'd not told them, I hated the thought that their well-needed break was yet again being ruined by me. My grandma started describing a baby outfit she'd bought while on holiday to bring back. It was the first time anyone had bought anything for my baby and it made it all the more real. I was having a real baby that would need clothes. The thought made me eager to go out and buy more clothes but I wanted to wait until my twenty-week scan to start buying things. After hanging up with my grandparents I sat on Kit’s bed in deep thought and my mind drifted to the dress that I’d tried on with Lilly. I knew it was probably the last thing I should have been worried about but Iwasworried. Kit wanted to take me to the ball and I couldn’t find anything to wear. I remembered how beautiful I felt in that dress and I brushed it aside and went to search for Kit. I went to the one place I knew he’d be. The gym. The brothers had their own gym built inside of the house, in fact, they'd converted one of the downstairs rooms into a gym just for them and each of them used it religiously. Opening the door quietly, not to disturb him, I saw Kit throwing punch after punch furiously into a hanging punching bag. Seeing him like that always brought back memories. Bad memories of him, fighting evil men trying to get to me. To save me. Despite that, seeing him like this and so motivated and deep in concentration made my skin stand to attention. He was wearing a sleeveless vest and a pair of shorts and god damn, he was hot. Each punch and duck displayed his body differently and I lapped it up until he saw me there and he placed his hand against the punching bag to stop it from swaying so he could take me in. His face changed when he saw me. Until then he’d looked distracted and aggravated with thoughts on his mind. His face settled looking at me and I wondered what was on his mind the moment before he'd noticed me here. Whatever it was, it was enough to make him pound ten shits out of the punching bag.

"You checking me out, Blondie?"

A smile edged the corner of my mouth.

"I need a tall glass of water, right about now," he commented, staring down at my body and then back up again.

“I came to talk to you.”

“What’s bothering you?” he asked and I frowned.How did he know something was bothering me?

“You said you wanted to talk to me, and I know by the look on your face that something is bothering you…” he answered my thoughts as if he’d heard them himself. I nodded and waited a few moments before answering as Kit found his towel and wiped his skin dry.

“I can’t find a dress to wear to the ball."

Raising his eyebrows, he shook his head.

“You mean, you put Bob and Phil through all those agonising hours of shopping and you didn’t find something to wear?”

I closed my eyes and smiled, still feeling guilty for dragging them around town with me and Lilly.

“I’m serious. I can’t find anything to wear and If I can’t find something I’m not going.”

Again, he raised his eyebrows and bit his lip, eyeing me.

“It sounds like a life or death situation, Blondie. What you gonna do?”