I shook my head, trying to wipe my tears away.

"I don't understand. Why did they want you? Surely they knew they were going to get caught. So why would they set a trap like that?"

"Sometimes revenge is worth a lot of money, they wouldn't have thought about getting caught afterwards. Guys like that—bloodthirsty bastards. It probably didn't even cross their minds about being caught."

"So you knew them? Were they Ralph’s men?"

Kit shook his head, "I don't know who they were."

"But you think they're his men?"

Kit sat up straight, looking at me.

"I'm not talking about this anymore here, I wanna get you home."


"Yes, home, with me?"

I wasn't sure if he meant Kit's home was my home, or that he just wanted to take me to his home but I nodded and stared out of the window as he pulled out of the car parking spot.

"We were beginningto get worried, where have you been?" Jax asked as we entered the kitchen. All of his brothers were sitting around with a drink and I noticed Nick was sitting with a beer. He looked troubled.

"We stayed behind a bit to talk," Kit answered, rounding the kitchen counter to get to the fridge.

"You hungry?" he asked me, and as I was about to say no I glanced at the clock and saw the time.

I knew it was getting late, I'd been at the hospital for hours, but I genuinely wasn't hungry.

It was futile rejecting Kit's offer, though. Rejecting his offer of food would result in a lecture about needing to eat for the baby's sake. He would be right and so I nodded.

"Pasta, it is." Eric stood up and approached Kit, "I'll cook. Go take a shower, you need it."

Thanking his brother, Kit came towards me and took my hand, taking me with him.

"You can leave her here, you know, bro?" Eric said after us.

"Not after today. Gonna take me some time to let her leave my side."

"That shower should be interesting then," Jason scoffed as Kit waited for me to take the stairs.

I didn't have to see the rest of them to know they were probably smiling at what Jason had said.

* * *

"You're really quiet,"Kit commented.

Nodding, I sat on his bed and looked around the room.

"Trying to process everything, I guess."

"Everything is going to be okay, you know that right?"

He came to my level and crouched before me so that I had to look at him.

"I won't stop until I know you're safe."

I watched as he brushed the tops of his knuckles across my stomach.