Kit wasn't playing, and I could see it in his eyes.

"I'm not a child, Kit," I answered bitterly.

"Then stop acting like one," he came back for me, staring into my eyes.

Glaring back at him, I gave Lilly a quick hug. Then I thanked her for being here—told her I'd ring her later—and then I stormed off without Kit, not even knowing where he'd parked.

"The car is that way," he said cockily from behind.

Once I was close I saw the lights on the car flash as he pressed the key to unlock it.

Getting in, I pushed my hair back and reached for my bobble that was situated in the centre console. At the same time Kit reached for something on the dash and our hands clashed.

"Sorry," we both said in unison and then looked at each other as I let go of my hair and let it fall back around my shoulders.

Kit moved first, and I moved to meet his hand as it cradled my face and he quickly kissed me hard. Thankfully we were parked within a ton of cars, and no one was around to see our passionate kiss. I lost my trail of thought quickly and brought my hand to Kit's neck, which earned me a pained hiss in return.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry." I pulled back and analysed him as he held up his hand.

"It's fine," he said adjusting his top around his neck.

Whilst he did, I saw the edges of marks around his neck and gasped.

"What the hell happened to you?" I asked, reaching for his shoulder to get a better look.

"Nothing, Eves," he said quickly, brushing my hand away so I couldn't reach back to see his neck.

"That is not nothing, Kit! What the hell happened?"

When Kit wouldn't let me look I became more forceful, making him move his hand so I could take a look. He didn't look at me as I moved his collar, instead, he brought his fist to his mouth whilst looking out of the window. He wanted to ignore the fact I was looking, and not talk about it. He didn't want me to see the agonising marks that ran the full length of his neck. I gulped staring at the marks, then back to his face.

"Tell me what happened,right now."

"Eves, It's—"

"Tell me right now or I'm getting out of this car," I threatened.

"You know better than to threaten me, Eves."

"You know better than to lie to me. So don't bother."

Closing his eyes, Kit rubbed his lips and thought about what he was going to say.

"How can I protect you from stress if you won't let me?"

"I need to know, Kit."

"Fine," he said in defeat.

"It was a trap. Maddie fell into a trap. She thought she had a lead, went in first and they knew she was alone. Thankfully she had time to let us know and we had her tracked to her position. We got there and all hell broke loose, okay?"

"You and Nick went alone?"

"At first, yes. We couldn't wait for backup, we had to get to Maddie."

"You could have been killed," I said through gritted teeth, as anger boiled my blood.

"Yeah, well she would have been if we hadn't gotten there when we did."