"Jax, is he gonna be okay?" I asked as I begin to worry.

Jax nodded and boosted Kit up against him so he could help him walk.

"I thought you were done pulling this shit, bro?" Jax asked as he took Kit up the stairs with him, holding Kit's arm around his shoulders and using his strength to help push Kit up the stairs.

I thought about what Jax had said as I followed after them.

What did that mean? Was this a regular thing for Kit?

I climbed the stairs after them and rushed ahead to pull Kit's duvet back so Jax could place him on the bed. Sighing, Jax looked down at Kit who laid on his front with his eyes closed. He looked perfect with his hair ruffled over his eyes, even in his current state.

"I'm sorry Eves, do you want me to take you home?"

I shook my head.

"I'm staying, if that's okay?"

"Like you even have to ask," he smiled before coming to me to give me a quick hug.

"If you need me, just shout okay?"

I nodded and thanked him.

"He should just sleep it off."

Again I nodded and stared at Kit, wondering what the hell could be going through his head to get this drunk. As Jax left I thought about my next move. First, I rushed back downstairs to retrieve my bag and found Jax in the kitchen, cleaning the mess in the sink.

"Do you need any help?" I asked, and it caught him off guard.

He wasn't dressed in his suit anymore, he'd got changed into joggers and a t-shirt.

"No way are you cleaning this away," he answered and I walked further into the kitchen and rested against the counter.

"Earlier when you took Kit upstairs, you said something about Kit not doingthisanymore. What did you mean?"

He glanced around at me before continuing to clean.

"Let's just say before Kit started on your case, he was all over the place. He drank, a lot."

The thought hurt my chest and I looked down. I didn't know that about him.

"Has he always been a drinker?"

Why hadn't he told me?

"No, but he's not always had reason to." Jax finished up and washed his hands before turning to face me.

He took a seat at one of the stools opposite me and relaxed there.

"Unfortunately, after your family died he held onto a lot of guilt."

I raised my eyebrows and my heart sank further. I knew from our previous conversations that Kit partially felt responsible for my Dad not listening to his warnings.

"He drank so much to drown the guilt?"

Jax nodded. "I think so."

I shook my head. "It wasn't his fault."