"Oh, please call me Eve," I interrupted.

She smiled before continuing. "I worked alongside your Father here at Delta. I'm in charge of organising everything, making sure everything runs properly, that sort of thing."

I nodded as Kit held the door open for me and protectively put his hand on my lower back to lead me inside. Our eyes locked once he pulled out a chair for me to sit at. I didn't thank him, purely because I was so stunned being in a situation with these people I didn't know, in a building I'd never been in before. Glancing down at myself, I hardly looked properly dressed for a meeting. I had my skinnies on and a hoodie with scuffed converse. Some lady called Tricia who apparently worked alongside my dad was calling me the boss. If my mind wasn't already about to explode, it was about to when I saw the door open. Inside came Nick, who apologised for being late, and he held the door open for another two men and finally a face that made my blood boil. Although, I was shocked that I'd recognised it because something had changed… I glared back at Kit who already had his eyes dead set on me.

"Eve, this is Charles and Keith," Tricia said as the two older-looking men approached me.

I swallowed hard and stood up to greet them both the best I could.

"It's good to meet you, finally, Sweetheart," Charles said, and held onto my hand a little longer as if he was saying a lot more than what he already had.

I knew what he was portraying. It was sympathy. It was his way of saying sorry for my family's death, without him actually saying it. I appreciated it and nodded, but couldn't focus properly because the woman who had walked in with them was the same woman me and Niomi had seen Kit kissing that day at the gym. The same woman Lilly had recently seen Kit kissing, and the same woman Kit was cheating on me with. Only, now she had blonde hair that had clearly been died that colour. Each of the members took their seats, including her, only she didn't even look at me. They each waited for Tricia,who sat at the opposite side of the table, to start talking, and I felt Kit's eyes staring at me as I gently went to sit down. Just before my backside touched the chair I shook my head.

"This is fucking bullshit," I muttered before getting back up.

Each of the members stared at me from their seats and I jumped when Kit addressed me abruptly.

"Eve, sit down,now."

I heard Jesse scoffing from across the table, "She's definitely his Daughter."

"And why would I wanna do that?" I glared at Kit.

"Because everything is about to be explained to you, and I meaneverything," he replied.

I wanted to smack him across the face and march out of here, but this wasmydad's firm. As much as I hated everything about this, I had to stay for my dad. He deserved that much after what he'd been dealt. I mentally did my best to block the bitch out of my eyesight as I sat down and quietly apologised to Tricia who was still waiting to speak.

She nodded. "I know how hard this must be for you, if you need to ask questions, please don't hesitate."

I nodded, "Okay. Why is Kit cheating on me with her?" I pointed directly at the disgustingly good looking bitch and bit my teeth together as she smiled.

I wasn't a confrontational person but I was about ready to rip this bitch to pieces.

"Eve," Kit warned from beside me and it hurt.

I already knew Kit had favoured this blonde bombshell over me, but actually having it happen here in front of me, hurt so bad.

"Eve, I'll start from the beginning, okay?" Tricia asked.

"I think that would be best," Keith commented.

"Okay," Tricia breathed.

"Firstly, this is Maddie." She gestured to the bitch and Maddie smiled at me, looking just as much of a bitch as I'd already labelled her.

"Maddie is a decoy, pretending to be you."

My frown deepened then, as I stared at Tricia and then back to Maddie.

"What, why?"

"Basically, Sweetheart," Keith piped up.

"You're not safe. We're not sure at the moment what shit is going on, or who is directing the shitstorm at us. We don't know if you're in danger, and as it stands, you are the leader of this company. You are the boss. Whether people know that or not, we can't take that chance at this moment in time. So, until we have further intel', Maddie here has been posing as you so that you're not kidnapped again."

I wasn't sure if Keith actually sounded bothered, or if he just thought I was a hindrance to them.

Either way, it all made sense now and I looked at Kit who hadn't taken his eyes off of me since we'd come into the room. I glanced at Maddie. How could she be impersonating me? She didn't even look like me!