Once the lights were off I shut the double doors behind me and watched as Kit made his way towards the front doors, leaving the building.

"Where are you going?" I called across the open space.

The only other person able to hear was the lady sitting at the reception.

Kit turned around to look at me, frowning at me in question.

"What are you doing here?" He smiled, still questioning me with his eyes.

"I came to… see Jerry," I lied.

He nodded, walking towards me.

Once he was at my side he reached down to kiss me and I now had to usher him through the double doors that were to our right.

"He's in there where I left him. He wanted to speak with you before we leave."

I wasn't specifically lying… I knew Jerry had come to the party and had smiled at me as he entered the room earlier with Jax.

"Okay?" Kit looked at me knowingly and I gestured for him to open the double doors.

He smiled at me and eventually opened them. Instantly being stunned by the bright lights being flicked on, and everyone shouting "surprise!"

Kit's face lit up as he looked at me and I bit onto my lip, trying to contain my smile.

"You sneaky little—"

"Come blow out the candles!" Tricia shouted from across the room and she came forward, carrying the lit cake and singinghappy birthday.

Everyone joined in, as did I, and he pulled me into his side to kiss my temple as Tricia neared.

"It's not everyday you turn twenty-five." She winked. "Blow them out and make a wish," she said.

With a huge smile, he let go of me and reached forward to blow out the candles.

I couldn't believe we'd pulled it off.

Shortly after, various people came over to say happy birthday and some people had to leave to get back to their jobs.

Kit thanked them all and either shook their hands or gave them a hug.

I left his side for a moment to meet Lilly who was enjoying the free champagne when we both saw the girl from the reception desk approaching Kit.

"Kit," she got his attention and I stared along with Lilly at how she gushed just being in his presence.

"This one is from me," she said handing him a long gift bag that obviously had a bottle of alcohol inside. Her hand lingered on his upper arm longer than I'd have expected before running it down his arm as she left.

"Well, that was interesting," Lilly commented.

I nodded, eyeing Kit's back as I took a sip from my glass. It wasn't unusual for girls to find Kit attractive and this one was to be no different.

Shortly after andtalking with Jerry, I introduced Lilly when I felt hands on either side of my waist. I knew them to be Kit's hands instantly and he turned me around to look at him.

"I've been told this was all your idea," he said and I shrugged.

"I may have had something to do with it."

"Nick told me that you cremated my first cake…"