"It'll take time to absorb this."

I nodded, and suddenly it was as if his ice layer had cracked and he took a deep breath.

"I can't believe he never told us. He had this whole other life."

"He did what he had to, you have to know that. Nothing he did was ever to hurt any of us."

He nodded. "I know that."

"I can't believe you were in a car crash and we knew nothing about it," my grandma breathed.

"And that you were kidnapped and put through all of that—"

"I wanted to tell you so bad, gram. I was just doing what I thought was right."

"I'd like to meet thisDelta," my grandad said and I felt overly nervous.

"You said your Dad built this company from scratch, that your mother was practically his partner. I wanna see it."

"So, you don't wanna go in there and punch a load of people?"

"Yes," he said, shifting.

"But I won't. Despite everything, and the time I need to still process this, they protected you when I didn't. I can't be mad about that."

I smiled and nodded, and without being able to help it I started crying. I felt so overwhelmed.

We each heard a knock at the door then and my grandad gave me a look of reassurance before going to answer it.

Silence was all I could hear, then footsteps and I stood up feeling panicked.

"Grandad are you okay—"

Kit rushed into the room, staring directly at me and taking a deep breath.

"Jesus, Eves," he said looking away.

"What's the matter?" I asked.

"I've been ringing you constantly, where's your phone?"


I'd left my phone inside my bag that was left in the hallway. I'd picked out my scan photos and had left my bag there without thinking.

"Why didn't you just ask the men you have watching over us? They'd know she's here, wouldn't they?"

"You told them?"

I nodded, not looking at him.

"I had to," I said then, pleading with his eyes.

"I must ask Kit, why you yourself and the ones you work for, told my granddaughter that she couldn't talk to us about this."

"It's not like that," Kit answered. "We have a duty of care, we answer to that."

His face was set like stone, serious but as diplomatic as ever.