"Now, sleep, Blondie."

Despite everything going on in my mind, I found comfort in his arms and managed to fall into a deep sleep.

* * *

Once the renovationto my grandparents house had begun, things started to feel a lot better with them. Naturally they were gutted, and so was I. Their house had held so many crucial memories. Memories of my family. Thankfully, we still had the memories in the photos and videos Kit had saved. That day he arrived home, looking much happier with himself. I was about to ask him what was going on when I saw the box sitting on the table. I could see from where I stood that it was a photo reader and I didn't know why I hadn't thought of it before. I knew instantly why he'd bought it, and I stared at him, warmth rushing to my chest.

"I'm paying for this, this is too much." I said.

My grandparents weren't here, they'd decided to take a walk down the Beck.

"No, it's not. No way am I running into any more burning buildings to save those things," he grinned.

"That's not funny," I scowled.

"Sorry," he said, turning serious. "Now you can scan them all so you have more than one copy."

I understood and appreciated it so much.

"With everything already on your mind and you still had the time to think of this?"

He shrugged it off as if it was nothing, but it wasn't nothing.

"You never cease to amaze me, Mr. Carson," I said standing closer and looking up at him.

"Nor you, myfutureMrs. Carson."

His words had knocked my balance.

"Sorry, too much?" he asked.

It had shocked me, to say the least. I stared at him and shook my head.

"I just wasn't expecting you to say that."

"I admit, neither did I." He stared into my eyes, melting me even more.

Had he just insinuated that he wanted to marry me?

Just then, right one cue, we heard the front door open and my grandparents called to make sure we were here.

Kit sighed. "I may have to take you back to my old room at this rate, just to fuck you," he said under his breath and it made me glare at him to shut him up.

He smiled and smacked my behind just before my grandparents came into the living room.

"Cup of tea?" Kit asked as he walked towards the kitchen.

"Yes please," my grandma beamed at him before she gave me her look of approval.

It had taken almosta month for the renovations at my grandparents' house to be nearly finished. Although we'd enjoyed having them living with us, I could tell that they were as eager as we were to be alone. The longer they stayed, the less intimate time me and Kit had together. Afraid that we would be heard, we had to minimise our intimate times to when my grandparents weren't here. It was different at Kit's brother's house, they were all guys and were probably all doing exactly the same thing. I couldn't even imagine being heard by my grandparents. True to his word, Kit had gotten to the point where he had to resort to taking me to his old room.

Thankfully none of them were there when he finally brought me back home. If they were, I was sure they would have heard the door to Kit's bedroom slamming open and shutting shortly before Kit bent me over the bed and let loose his frustration.

I could tell he had been deprived, he was full of lust and it showed.

The next daywe took my grandparents back to their home, now fully refurbished. It had been freshly painted, and my grandparents had chosen new furniture and fittings.

It was odd for them to be back home. After discussing it with Kit, he'd told me that from now on there would be surveillance on their house. It didn't feel right not telling them. I felt so guilty and the last month, having them living with us had been a nightmare. It was one thing lying to them, but having them so close every day made it even harder to keep it a secret. Although I cared more about their safety, I was beginning to wonder if keeping it from them really was in their best interest.