I wasthankful that we'd got there early, because when we arrived my grandparents flight had landed early and I beamed at the two of them, before I practically ran across the floor to them.

"Eves," my grandma breathed, hugging me tightly.

My grandad was next and he made sure to point out my bump.

"You're glowing!" my grandma said once I pulled back and I blushed as Lilly came over. She hugged them both and commented on their tans.

"She been taking it easy?" my grandad asked Lilly.

I looked at her, telling her with my eyes to be careful what she was about to say.

"Yeah, I've made sure to keep her in line," she grinned.

We were leaving the airport a lot sooner than planned and I thought about texting Kit to let him know but figured he'd be busy training. Instead, I enjoyed speaking freely with my grandparents in the car.

"What do you wanna do first?" I turned to look at my grandparents in the back seat.

"Have a cuppa," my grandma said, making us all smile.

"Nearly there," Lilly beamed and I could feel the anticipation building from the backseat. Despite being away in a beautiful country on holiday, I could tell they were glad to be home.

"When will you be showing us yours and Kit's new house, Eves?"

I glanced back at them again, their faces were filled with hope and happiness. I feared that underneath the words they'd said over the phone, that actually they weren't too keen on the idea. I could tell from their faces now, that that wasn't the case.

"You can see it today, if you—"

"Can you see that smoke?" Lilly asked.

I'd already seen it, which was why I'd stopped speaking and as Lilly turned the corner everyone in the car gasped.

"Stop the car!" I shouted and Lilly slammed the breaks on.

Outside of the car, I ran at full pelt, with fear filling my eyes as I stared up at my grandparents house aflame with fire.

"Eves!" my grandparents shouted at me, urging me not to go any further.

A car screeched to a stop and I turned around to see Nick running towards me.

"He got you out?!" he asked me, but I was still in complete shock.

"Eves? Did Kit get you out?" he asked again, staring back at the house.

I snapped out of it then once he'd mentioned Kit's name and I gripped onto his arm, seeing Kit's car parked against the curb behind him.

"He got your text that you were at home and you were scared, he dropped everything and came straight here."

Sickness consumed me as I stared at the building and then screamed Kit's name at the top of my lungs.

Just as I did, he ran out of the house, in a cloud of smoke. I ran up to him quicker than I should have and he rushed straight at me, holding me at arm's length and holding my face to make sure I was okay.

"You're okay," he said and I nodded, crying. His face was darkened with black muck and I saw my grandparents standing close by, my grandma in a flood of tears watching the upstairs of their house consumed by fire.

"Oh god, the photos," she sobbed. "The photo albums."

My grandad struggled to hold her up as I stared at the house, a pool of water forming in my eyes.

"My family," it came out almost like a croaky whisper and I felt Kit staring at me and my grandparents. Then suddenly I felt his grip on me loosen and he unlatched from me and pelted like a whippet.