"What's your partner's favourite sex position?"

Everyone scoffed and laughed.

"Pass. That's for me to know only," Kit winked at me and it made me blush.

"You're no fun, Mate," Jesse said.

"Okay, what's your partner's biggest fear?"

My eyes stared at Niomi once she'd asked the question, the question alone was what I'd feared.

"Masks," Kit answered quickly and I stared at him.

I could tell that Kit had instantly regretted his answer and he'd said it without thinking much about the people sitting around us. All of the guys from Delta either looked at me or looked away awkwardly. Maddie stared at me knowingly, making me feel all the more messed up.

"Pass," I answered quickly after. "Because I need the toilet," I added.

I knew Kit had followed after me, but I rushed upstairs.

"I'm sorry," he said once the bedroom door was shut.

"It's fine," I said pulling my dress over my head.

No more party for me.

"I need to go to bed," I said on my way to the bathroom but Kit stopped me.

"Are you okay?" he asked and I nodded.

"You're supposed to be opening up to me, remember?"

Again, I nodded and took a breath.

"You saying that reminded me how messed up I am, because you were right."

"Eves, people are afraid of clowns. You're afraid of people in masks because it's linked to something very real. There's nothing messed up about that."

I looked around the room, allowing it to sink in. Perhaps I had overreacted slightly. I could hear the music still blaring downstairs.

"We're never gonna get any sleep here."

"Get dressed, we'll go somewhere that we can."


"Home," he smiled and I stared at him, admiring how utterly gorgeous he was.

"There's no bed there," I answered. We didn't have any furniture there apart from the furniture in the nursery.

Nevertheless, I did as he said and packed a few things in my bag before getting dressed in my hoodie and leggings. Holding my hand and hoisting his bag onto his back, Kit led me through the house and through the still very active party. Once outside, I took a deep breath and enjoyed the fresh evening air. The Beck lamp-posts were lit and we took a walk around the Beck to the other side where Kit handed me the key to the house. I smiled and unlocked the door, into our very bare house.

"Tomorrow we can go pick some furniture if you like?"

As much as I wanted to pick furniture, I couldn't help the uneasy feeling in my stomach.

"What's the matter?"

"I haven't paid for any of this," I answered once inside. "I don't want to come across as ungrateful, but I also don't want to come across as a leech."