I kept falling in and out of sleep, and as I tossed and turned I held onto my stomach.

Trying to protect my baby from the evil in my head.

"I need that wealth," Ralph came close again and ran his finger along my jaw.

"I haven't forgotten, Eve. You think there aren't others ready to take my place?"

"No, you're gone, you're dead." I held my eyes tightly shut, trying to drown out his words.

Then suddenly I felt a huge slap to my face and my eyes opened.

I gasped so loudlythat I was sure I'd woken Lilly up. I placed my hand on my cheek, still feeling the sting. I stared around the room as I caught my breath and once I realised I was safe, I sat up some more and looked at the patio doors where the early morning light was starting to make its way into the room. At first, I laid back into the cushion and glanced over at Lilly, who was still fast asleep. Pulling the blanket from over me, I placed my hand gently onto my stomach.

"We'll figure this out," I said quietly.

I had to believe it. Looking out of the window once more, I got up and dawdled towards it.

It was a beautiful morning, and I really needed a way to clear my head so I headed upstairs to quickly get dressed.

To the back of Lilly's house was a huge stretch of wildflowers behind their open garden, and behind that was a small wooded area. I glanced at the clock, it was six AM. Leaving Lilly to sleep, I pulled my hoodie on and settled my hands into the front pocket after closing the door quietly behind me. As I walked I engulfed the morning air, enjoying the fresh crisp.

The grass felt wet as I moved through it, even with my converse on I could feel the small splashes hitting against my ankles. When I glanced down, I saw the bottoms of my skinnies were speckled with water. Once in the middle of the wildflower field, I ran my hands through the beautiful flowers and took a deep breath. One day I would bring my baby here. It would be the perfect backdrop for photos and we could sit amongst the flowers. I ran my hands through the flowers once more and appreciated a beautiful daisy in the palm of my hand, before I stood up straight and turned around to view the rest of the surroundings. As I did, the slight breeze lifted my hair and covered my face. Once I'd cleared it from my eyes I noticed what I thought to be someone standing at the edge of the field. I gulped hard when my suspicions clouded my mind, and at first, I imagined the worst. Then, as I looked closer, I realised. I should have known. Who else showed up everywhere that I went? Even here, in my haven, he showed up. Pressed against the fence, he stood there watching me. I didn't know what to do at first, so I stood like a stunned deer, staring at him. Taking a deep breath of courage, I headed back to the house and naturally Kit neared me as I got closer. He didn't say anything—he looked a little exasperated—and he cleared his throat to speak.

"I came to take you somewhere," he finally said.

I eyed him, wondering why he looked so taken aback.

"Take me somewhere? I'm not going anywhere with you."

I managed to move past him but like always he didn't allow me to leave. He held onto my warm hand that had been encased inside my pocket. In the cold air, the sensation of his touch ignited against my palm as my eyes met his before I pulled my hand back.

"Delta, I'm taking you to Delta."

I narrowed my eyes at him and stood up straight.

"Huh," I frowned sarcastically.

"Ready to see me are they? They sent you to summon me?"

Studying me, Kit shook his head defeated and looked away.

"Can we do this in the car?" he asked after facing me again.

"No. You can't just show up like this and expect me to go with you."

"Look, I know it's weird and out of the blue but please, just come with me."

I took another breath.

"Does my life depend on it?"

It was a serious question, with everything that had happened.

"No," he shook his head. "But mine does."

Raising my eyebrows I studied him, "What does that mean?"

"Jesus, Eve, will you just come with me? Everything will be explained to you at Delta."