Kit nodded his head and his lips became tight as realisation hit.

"You are crazy," I added as I opened another door.

It gave him some hope and then I stared at the fully furnished baby nursery that I'd walked into. A crib, a rocking chair, wardrobes and a changing table filled the space but the walls were plain like the rest of the house.

"I kept the walls plain, for you." He said and I looked at him.

"Apart from our bedroom. I painted that pastel green."

That was why he'd asked me what my favourite colour was?

"For me?" I asked, staring at the nursery, feeling myself choking up.

"So you can decorate it however you like," he said looking even more defeated.

I could tell he was seriously doubting himself now. I stood welling up just at the sight of this and all that he had done for me. For our family. It caught him off guard when turning his head. I caught his mouth with my lips and kissed him hard, wrapping my arms around his neck. It took him a second to catch on before he began kissing me back, then he wrapped his arms around my back.

"You're happy?" he asked.

"Of course I'm happy, this is so perfect!" I beamed, kissing him again.

His face lit up as he held me, the look on his face resembling a kid so excited and proud of what they had accomplished.

"Thank you! God, I love you so much." I said between kisses.

* * *

Everything Kit had donefor me already had completely floored me, but there was still more to show me.

How could there be more?

We hadn't been into the third bedroom yet.

"You ready?" Kit asked, holding the handle and smiling at me.

I nodded, a huge grin to my face.

"Okay," he held my hand and led me into the room. The first thing I saw was the huge backdrop, built up against the wall. Then in another corner was a huge fluffy bean bag like the sort I'd seen other photographers use in photoshoots. There were other props like baskets, baby blocks, and a huge tub full of a load more.

"Lilly had to help with those. I'm not good with photo props," he said and I stared at him, completely and utterly gobsmacked.

"You said you wanted to start your own photography business. Now you can."

My eyes were filled with tears.

"You can change it however you want. We just set it up like this for now."


"Myself and my brother's…"

"I thought they called you crazy for doing this?"

"They did. They never said they wouldn't help me, though... The place was a wreck when I first bought it, we've been busy re-plastering, painting, laying carpets…"

That explained why they were all missingat workevery time I'd asked, and why I'd found plaster in Kit's hair and smeared across his body. I had to hold my chest because I couldn't contain myself any longer and right on cue we both heard the front door open and Eric shouted "Anyone home?" followed by Nick saying, "Is it safe to enter?"

"Up here!" Kit yelled and I tried to compose myself as each of Kit's brothers piled into the room.